Boris , When I am a Real Elected P/M" I will get Brexit done" . Remember the £350 million
a week, we will save on leaving the E/U .That will help fund the NHS, { " On The Bus " }.
Well I forgot to mention It will cost the NHS, an extra £500 million a week, to import Drugs etc , from USA, When I do a" Post Brexit Trade Deal " with my very good friend Donald .
Zzzzzz.....if you had any brains at all youd be more worried about the terrost lovin' "leader" of your so called party and the lies hes been'll need to take your blinkers off first though
And how does your crystal ball show you what the NHS will be like after Brexit ?
Or are you just repeating the worst case fantasy predictions you find ?
The Donald may not be power when Boris gets to be re-elected the way things are going, with the Impeachment and all, and even if he is, stop treating the NHS as some sacred cow, it isn't. Plenty of people, some on here, myself included have said that NHS outsources to private health companies already, for things like MRI scans and physio, i know because i have had both. The NHS just picks up the bill.