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Has The Next Labour Leader .........

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ToraToraTora | 15:28 Thu 18th Nov 2021 | Politics
36 Answers
to win a general election been born yet?


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Mozz, I don't think Smith would have been able to turn Labour into and electable party like Blair did. Even against Major, old Labour would struggle, certainly would not have produced a Landslide in 1997. He was still talking about old Labour Tax and spend policies, "1p on the standard rate of income tax for the NHS" - Perlease! That ain't going to get the huge swing Blair got. I'm no fan of St Tony but did get Labour elected all be it by imitating the tories.
Well, a moot point now Tora. Sadly, we'll never know.
Mozz71I agree with Ynna about the tragedy of Smith's death, because when he died, MY Labour party also passed into history.

Mine to, Mozz.
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which is your Labour party Tony? the one that last won in 1974?
Yep and before.
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so I assume you are never expecting Labour to win again.
Not as it stands, the old guard have all gone.
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but the old guard are old Labour and the public have rejected old labour since 1974.
I didn't. ( waits for the Thatcher name to appear ).
Starmer is OK,but just to staid,to boring.Corbyn was just a rectum.How the hell he expected to pick up votes in Warrington especially,when his IRA chums had murdered two wee youngsters just years before is inexplicable.Without a new Attlee,without a new John Smith i cant see the Labour Party being in power for the next ten years.The good thing for me being the Tories wont allow Wee Burney her IndyRef" till about 2032.Every cloud and all that...
Didn't know that Jesus is to be reincarnated - Tony Blair probably thought he was but ended up being crucified on the Iraqi cross with a burning Bush beneath him, the 'Shrub' that is, a little bush.
But DTC,John Smith would have been something else if he had survived(im convinced about it).We will never know know now,but i think if Smith had survived Britain would be a better place nowadays.The smallest word with the biggest meaning-"if".
I think Smith would probably have won an election partly through his personal appeal and partly due to the fact that by 1997 the Tories were due for their comeuppance.
But there would not have been the sense of a New beginning and New Labour and it’s hard to believe that La our would have won three terms.
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Smith was old tax and spend Labour if he'd snuck in he'd have managed a single term trying to drag us back to the old Labour union power days. He never struck me as someone with anything new in his repertoire.
Nah,Ich.While Bliar was partly Scottish,John Smith was totally Scottish.While Bliar cowered down to Bush,Smith would have told Bush to gtf...and added ya bass while he was at it.
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the gulf war was after Blair's second election win, Smith would never have won 2 in a row so the whole war crim/Bush/Iraq situation is moot.

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