Love This Song, Sunshine On Leith. I...
Music11 mins ago
Keir Starmers Slogan to fight the Tories at the next election
We will stop telling the truth about you .
When you stop telling lies about us.
Bobbi - // Andy , Gulliver continues to post garbage and none news items in the News section with nothing being done about it //
I am not sure exactly what you would like, or expect, to be done?
Gulliver's posts and / or threads will be removed if they contravene Site Rules - that applies to any and all posters, Moderators included.
The opinion of his threads and posts, are just that, opinions, and as such, are posted and remain, unless they contravene Site Rules.
If my reply does not satisy your query, I would suggest that you contact the Editorial Team through the usual channels, and raise your issues there.
AH,with your mod hat on, do you believe any of the post on this thread have broken any Site Rules ?
anne - //
Another lot of abers posting to insult another aber. 1. Don't open there posts.
2. keep to the topic.
I wonder if mods just ignore these daily occurrences .? //
i can only repeat my standard mantra - posts meander where they will, they always have, and that is a feature, rather than a problem, with the Answerbank.
Out-and-out insults can be, and are, deleted as contravention of Site Rules, but that is a matter for the personal opinion of any Moderator who sees them.
Robust debate is a basic in the News Section, I see from personal experience that Gulliver is more than capable of fighting his corner, and as such, am not minded to defend him any more than any other AB'er, which speaks to the fairness with which i am required to operate as a Moderator.
annasquith, gulliver puts on threads all the time yet when he is asked a question about it he either doesn't answer at all or comes back with a sarky reply which has nothing to do with the question asked. You only seem to have a go at the people who are asking for an answer and not at him for not answering. Then instead of giving an answer he just starts another thread. I can at least now see why the footfall on this site has gone down in the last few months.
anne - // AH,with your mod hat on, do you believe any of the post on this thread have broken any Site Rules ? //
No, which is why I have not removed any of them.
As I advised on my post previous to this one, each Moderator acts on their own view of the interpretation of Site Rules, one may let something stand, another may delete it and, of course, as with every deleltion, be required to explain their action to the Ed and Team.
theshedman - // andy, you yourself have just put on "Robust debate is a basic in the News Section" but gulliver doesn't do that as he wont answer questions put to him. //
I and my Moderator colleagues possess a bewlidering range of skills, only some of which they bring to bear in keeping the site running smoothly.
Sadly, compelling individual AB'ers to post in the way you would wish, is not one of them.