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Russia Attacks Pediatric Hospital

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Untitled | 14:50 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

a children's hospital which specialises in cancer treatment has been hit by Russian missiles, killing untold numbers of vulnerable people. children as young as 18 months evacuated, plenty still under rubble 

reportedly one of the worst attacks since the invasion 

i don't have a question sorry i am just appalled. what an evil and despicable thing to do. 



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Couldnt agree more.

TTT I was just about to post;                                                  Russia has bombed a children’s hospital in Kyiv in its largest missile attack on Ukraine in months. At least 31 people have been killed and dozens more injured. 

                                          to see you beat me to it.

Appalling news !

Question Author

i really did try to think of a question but i can't think of one... what is there to say about people who order something like this?

The only question that ocurs to me is: Was it actually targetted?

The human race has been doing this sort of stuff for thousands of years.

Most people want to have somewhere to live, something to eat, someone to love, something fulfilling to do. But a minority are different; greedy, selfish, lacking empathy, mad, simply bloodthirsty.


TTT. Are you actually, really, Farridge? Not just a fan? Farridge has already said that Rasputin was provoked into invading Ukraine, although I'm sure he would not approve of the things he's done once he got going.

Putin is an evil, deranged, subnormal creature. He will probably point the finger at Ukraine and say they did it themselves. 


Oh how I wish someone could just exterminate him.

khandro 15:00 what? this is not my post.

^^ aplgs to u & untitld

@15.24.Everyone on AB agrees with you there curly.Whatever you do dont express the same feelings on Twitter(X).Got me banned sine-die.Harrumph.

15:33, please explain you posted before I did on untitled's thread why are you referring to me at 15:00

Errrr...... it was a mistake, I'd just been looking at one of your many other threads. 

Ok I see.

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it seems to have been part of a barrage. it is possible of course that the hospital was not specifically targeted but if you launch missiles at civilian targets then you accept this kind of thing happening... and that is indefensible

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*at civilian areas i should say

//Was it actually targetted?//

Well probably not specifically but surely the Russians have enough knowledge of Ukraine to know where hurling tons of explosive could cause things like this?

We need to ask Putin the reason. Perhaps they had reports that a Nazi terrorist group were holding hostages in tunnels beneath the hospital.


Anyway all the more reason for Ukraine's allies to supply long range armaments to take out factories, military targets, roads & bridges inside the Russian border.

Only one target needs zeroing in on in Russia.

Russia will have known that this hospital was in the area it was targeting.

They must have known.

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