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Russia Attacks Pediatric Hospital

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Untitled | 14:50 Mon 08th Jul 2024 | News
32 Answers

a children's hospital which specialises in cancer treatment has been hit by Russian missiles, killing untold numbers of vulnerable people. children as young as 18 months evacuated, plenty still under rubble 

reportedly one of the worst attacks since the invasion 

i don't have a question sorry i am just appalled. what an evil and despicable thing to do. 



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i dont think putin cares 1 iota, war of attrition in his eyes.

Where are the flag waving protester for this, oh hang on its not israel and there are no Muslims

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the UK government is not selling arms to russia or offering diplomatic support for these actions... if they were then there would be protests. and i would join them!

Not the point, russia are bombing innocent people for nothing, Israel are attacking Hamas and trying to get their hostages back

what are they doing? they must know it is a war crime

The russian  excuse - falling debris from the antimissile system can be tested - 

different explosion patterns ( think  Arena 2017)


Israel are attacking Hamas and trying to get their hostages back - by flatteninng Al-shifa hospital? yeah OK got it....

First report of using health facilities to assist armed struggle is the British were accused of using ambulances to shift armed personnel around Cork ( Ireland). So the irish started shooting up the ambulances. 1917 I think. They were.

Its a well known fact that Hamas hide amongs civilian locations like schools and hospitals

Putin and his fellow criminals knew - there's the forthcoming Nato summit meeting coming up in DC this week......

The Russians could take a page from the Israeli book of excuses.

The hospital/church/

mosque/UN aid station was being used by terrorists.


sandy; please note that in solidarity with all Ukrainian students, the word 'Russia' is obsolete; it is no longer capitalised and has become 'russia'.

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that's a bit silly khandro

^^ Just students making a point; so I read. 🙂

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