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Anyone Prepared To Come Clean?

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ToraToraTora | 12:02 Tue 27th Aug 2024 | Politics
37 Answers

Come on who voted Labour and already regrets it? I'll be sympathetic, I can understand how shocked you must be at the speed Labour has shafted many of their voters.



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You won't be 'sympathetic' though, this is simply another outlet for your obsession and will turn into a babbling diatribe filled with made-up words and attendant drivel.

Have a nice day. x

Well i voted Labour just to get my Palestinian terrorist supporting MP out.It didnt work.

I voted Reform.

I think you should get out more Tora.

I would have voted Sinn Fein but they stood aside in my constituency so that they would have a clear run in North Belfast.

The deal worked, Sinn Fein win N Belfast and the SDLP won South Belfast.

All good.

That would be Sinn Fein/IRA sandy.How are they settling in at Westminster?


And if the Tories had got in would their tax rises have been any different?

Prior to the election Paul Johnson from the Institute for Fiscal Studies said neither party was telling the truth about the service cuts and tax rises they would have to implement.


Naomi,  you were quick enough to take down Gully's thread on the same subject - why is TTT's still here?  Oh how stupid of me - same little clique!

this is in correct category.   gully just spouts garbage which is not news

Because this one isn't in News Maggie.  Nothing to do with being in a clique.  I think you owe Naomi an apology but I doubt she'll get one.

Back to you Maggie?

Maggiebee, Gulliver posted his thread in News and has been asked to re-post it Politics - where  TTT's is correctly posted.  Stupid of you?  Let's be kind and say 'hasty'.  

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poor old maggie must be very confusing dear.

Thanks LB.


The IRA have gone away, you know.

Soon, I hope, the Sinn Fein MPs will be taking their seats in the Irish Parliament in Dublin.

Maggiebee- because gulliver posted in the wrong section and was told it's not News so re-post and this will be moved . He didn't or couldn't (not sure his device has a copy and paste or function). Gulliver gets away with lots that many of us don't, so I think it's a stretch to suggest he's being picked on by the moderator clique

@15.35.So are you saying Gerry Adams lied when he said the IRA hadnt gone away?Better watch your knee-caps in that case sandy.As for thoughts about UK MPs sitting in Dublin,forget it.

Is there a man(or woman) with soul so dead

Who never to themselves have said

This is my own my native land.

Old as I am I think I will live to see a United Ireland.

Methinks the many victims of SinnFein/IRA would be turning in their graves at that thought sandy.

I voted Lib Dem tactically as Labour didn't have a hope in hell where I now live (it's all Miss Marple round here, rather than Missy Elliott).

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