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gulliver1 | 12:28 Tue 10th Sep 2024 | Politics
13 Answers

He would rather see "Bodies Pile High" than take the Country into lockdown during Covid.



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Was it the chap who had a cavalier attitude to so many others hold dear, BoJo?

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Although Johnson denied saying this .The then MPs chief of staff Edward Lister and also Johnson's then adviser Dominic Cummings  both  say he did.๐Ÿ˜ŽBut Johnson never ever tells lies does he๐Ÿ˜Ž Lol lol lol lol๐Ÿ˜Ž

... but he did take the country into lockdown, so what's your point?

Boris and he was correct.

Lockdown was completely unnecessary, Boris listened to the "experts" against his own better judgement. If he had not you'd have been the first one screaming blue murder.

Talking of liars - look at Naomi's thread at 11.38. Would you like to comment on that?

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But he didn't want to, did he Hopkirk .He was pressurised into doing it.  He didn't want his wealthy Business friends to lose money .That was the real reason.

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"A man like Johnson with such lack of reverence for human life must never ever be allowed anywhere near a seat of power again" ..Anyone on AB agree...๐Ÿ˜ŽI do๐Ÿ˜Ž

He should have stuck to his guns and ignored the doom mongers and kept the country going.

And Labour wanted to lockdown harder and longer gulliver1 etal๐Ÿ˜Ž

Lockdown, masks, loads of daft decisions made by government, and supported by many citizens, at the time. Boris started out making all the right noises regarding the pandemic, but he crumbled in the face of the erroneous opinions of those around him. Not his finest hour. Nevertheless he was still one of the few that, for whatever reason, supported democracy for the people when they needed such a champion.

Well said OG

gully - is there no end to your obsession with Boris? Get treatment.

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