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A relaxing of the rules of MPs expenses!!! what???

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Bobbisox | 10:34 Fri 25th Mar 2011 | News
47 Answers
They are being allowed to claim more money for accommodation in these oh so difficult times and more for travel, just heard this on Sky News and thought it must be April 1st today
sadly not!, it's no joke


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he must be among the minority in the HOC then jack
Bobbi.....I Know what you mean.......the Euro has strenthend against the pound and it seems that the pound against the Euro is in free fall.
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trust me to get it the wrong way round sqad :-)
but Portugal is the next victim of the Euro?
Alas, he's no longer there............
Which is a great shame for the constituents he represented.
However, he was told (by Robin Cook) that as he was a 'Provincial MP' (i.e. pretty much an unknown quantity) he would have to become a 'team-player' if he sought to advance through the ranks......or work his way up the greasy pole, whichever way you prefer to look at it.
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RC was a man I admired greatly and his premature death was a great loss to Politics
How about this MEP who managed to "accidently" overclaim £500,000 in expenses (figure disputed by him).

Seems these MEPs really do live on a gravy train of expenses.
VHG......Ah! and there lies another story..........investigation of MEP´s expenses is still on going.........
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as I said VHG, they are far and few between the ones that aren't in it to line their own pockets and the MEPs are the worst of the lot
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It´s just that people keep "banging on about the bankers, the Politicians, the gets on yer t1ts after a while ;-)..

sqad to take up your point here, of cause it gets on your t!ts, they have a moral obligation to the people they serve, have they not?
Bobbi...."fiddling one´s expenses" is not confined to MP´s, in my opinion it is rife both in the private and public sector.......probably more in the latter.

I have fiddled my expenses from time to time......who hasnt who has had the chance?
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I agree but you weren't representing people were you? or was this the Health Service you are talking about?
what I am saying it is no good them pontificating to the minions about tightening our belts, tough times ahead when they blatantly do this isnt fair and yes it was in the NHS.
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I don't have a problem with that sqad and think those in the NHS are grossly underpaid for the work they do, but as you say..........
Life's a
>I have fiddled my expenses from time to time

We have all been a bit "generous" with our expenses at one time or another.

But unlike that MEP I dont think I could ever have claimed £500,000 too much, somebody in my company may have noticed.
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they are greedy none caring bastards who do this VHG...imo

<<<<We have all been a bit "generous" with our expenses at one time or another.<<<<

Fiddling you mean ......go on, say it "FIDDLING"

I agree half a million does seem a fair old "fiddle"
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sqad = controversy
but I love the man..Lol
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Hi Stevie I think these people aren't living in the real world, I am fed up of hearing how hard it is going to be and Labour got us into this,,,yeh,yeh,yeh and there's no money in the pot for Nurses to have a pay rise, I feel they think they are in power over mindless morons who should never say a thing and do nothing, pompous ar$eholes!!!
So, which sofa did the Labour party stash all the money behind, if it is the case that we still have it..........? I think it's about time that they told us where it is so that we can pay the nurses......

Or is it the case that Tony and Gordon presided over a parliament which spent far more money than it ought ? And that the only people who refuse to accept that are blinkered by inverted snobbery...?

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A relaxing of the rules of MPs expenses!!! what???

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