so the colour of their skin made them do it did it? Nothing to do with the socio-economic attributes that may have affected their upbringing?
These are kids from rough estates whose sole aim is to appear tougher than their peers because that's the only way they feel they will attain any respect. It's a nasty spiral where one will try and outdo the other to be the scariest, toughest and most dangerous, that's the mindest of such youths.
The fact is, due to many factors, the majority of immigrant families came over into the lower end of the working class bracket, largely unskilled and uneducated, so generations on, they have stayed there, therefore many urban areas, these rough areas, are populated by non-whites. This does not mean it's their skin colour that is the influencing factor in this and many other assaults!
You will be accused of racism if you see an action completed by a black person and focus your attention on the fact that he is black.. they were also male, they were young, they were working class, they were unemployed, but you focus on the colour of their skin, in my opinion, is why some people may suggest you're being racist.