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Harry's Jollies

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tamborine | 02:38 Thu 31st Mar 2011 | News
48 Answers
Aren't you sick of his global gallivanting all over the news ?


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he tried to sell his sixty personal letters from Diana for £10 million.

In July 2004, Hewitt was arrested outside a restaurant in Fulham, on accusation of possessing cocaine.

A drunken Hewitt had .36 grams of cocaine in his pocket. He was given a warning, As a result, he was refused reinstatement of his gun licences because of his "intemperate habits" after police found a disassembled 16-bore shotgun on his living room floor.
Not Harry's father, Jack?


Are you sure?
<<<<<he tried to sell his sixty personal letters from Diana for £10 million. <<<

So would I if I was in that position.......wouldnt you?

You make good points on your other two paragraphs though ;-)
Charade? Harry served in Afghanistan, was apparently well liked and the only reason he left, was the papers gave him so much publicity security insisted he leave. It wasn't until it was pointed out that should he be targeted that it would be dangerous for his mates, that he left.
Well I can't see the similarity to Charlie boy
Hoppy......we are discussing Hewitt and the thread is about Harry.

Are you suggesting that they are BOTH prats?

Let me guess your answer.
I see precious little resemblence to Hewitt.............and not a lot to Diana, if I'm honest.

ooooo..a brand new conspiracy theory pops up...........
No, I have nothing against Harry
Hoppy..;-) fair enough.
If he wanted a Jollie I can think of many more places that are far more appealing than the Arctic. He's doing this to lift the profile of our wounded Troop. How is that a bad thing?
So we've moved from 'Harry's Jollies' to an unsuccessful former army officer who was screwing Diana and tried to flog some love letters. Wow....
That's chatterbank
^^^very true.
Apart from *this* is News...............
Well if Hewitts not his father who is? Cause it sure aint Prince Charles
As for him selling her letters for £10m - she did a lot more for not much more
i don'tmind it all, i presume that this is his function/role that he is carrying out.
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Nowt against him.....but every 15m on News is over-exposure & boring.
-- answer removed --

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