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Robert Mugabe in Rome??

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Bobbisox | 17:52 Sun 01st May 2011 | News
15 Answers
For the Beatification stage of Pope John Paul, surely this man has to rank as one of the most evil dictators of our time, beside Chichescu,Stalin, Hitler and co,
I am surprised seeing the Cardinals shake this guys hand


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considering the trouble religion causes I'd say they were made for each other!
He's supposed to be banned from travel in Europe. Does Vatican City have an airport?
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and I would agree there
but the man must have no conscience imo
perhaps he should become an editor for this site!!
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bernie,,,I do like that comment..Lol
is he Sandy?
He's been given special permission to fly to Italy by the EU .
Unbelievable .
He keeps his people in poverty .But of course he's a RC .That's what they do best Hypocrites .
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Hi shaney,
he is in the very heartland of the Catholic religion and being greeted for being there, it beggars belief
But has the EU given him permission to fly back?
Surely somebody wants him for war crimes?
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you would have thought so venator
Just goes to show you Bobbi .
His people are starving .We give aid .It goes mostly in his pocket and the Cathoilic Church , by their action of inviting him to attend this load of tripe are condoning his murderous regime .
At least Her Maj had the decency to revoke his knighthood .
Perhaps the Pope will listen to his confession :)
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he is evil enough to expect that Shaney
but confess, I doubt it..LOL
Catholic church and Mugabe - pretty much a match made in....hell.
The catholic church has a noble history of oppression of the poor and being led by a dictator so why not...
Quick get the us special ops in...they know what to do !!!
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I don't see the Pope as a dictator, more a spiritual leader for those who wish to follow
his doctrine
Mugabe on the other hand has systematically murdered his own people and goes to Rome for an occasion which many would see as him flaunting himself to true democracies

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