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Prince Harry's real Dad

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chirpychirpy | 17:23 Sun 01st May 2011 | News
43 Answers
Who do you think Prince Harry's real Dad is? He doesn't resemble Prince Charles at all, and he doesn't look/walk/talk like his brother Prince William.


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He does look like a young Henry 8.
There was a rumour that he was James Hewitt's son but Hewitt denied it saying that he didn't start seeing Diana until after Harry was born.
the Spencers are gingers, chirpy
he is very like Diana's side of the family, look at her sisters and (now dead father)
sophrules - welcometothe site. You will go far on Answerbank with your juicy snippets of information.
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Thankyou sir.prize.
Look on Diana's side. Her brother and sister have similar colouring and his cousin,too. That's where the resemblance is most prominent.
There was a long thread about this a couple of weeks ago - it was decided that there is red hair in the Spencer family. He has Charles' close-together eyes....
And apart from looking like Henry 8 he seems to behave like him too
putting it another way, if he isn't Charles's son, it will be well covered up, Phillip was a huge philanderer so they reckon, any scandal would harm the Monarchy, so the Queen turned a blind eye to any misdemeanours
Good point, bobbi - Charles has obviously always acknowledged Harry as his, so we really should let sleeping dogs lie.
If there was a rumour the press would be all over it. Its quite easy to get a sample of DNA from a cup etc which could be compared with others.
I think he takes the 'ginger' from Princess Diana side of the family. I think his face does resemble Prince Charles.
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My dad tells me I act just like my father "whoever the hell that is".
and I think as young lads, they suffered enough with the tragic loss of their Mother, so I agree, it should be as boxy said, let sleeping dogs lie
In life, it's not where you came from that counts but where you are now and where you're going.
I've asked this before and no-one gave me an answer - if Harry is a commoner and marries a commoner and all the people in between him and the throne died would we then have commoners on the throne - and would anyone know or care?
well but Harry isn't a commoner.....

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