Quizzes & Puzzles6 mins ago
Wouldn't it be a delicious irony if - at the first Prime Minister's Questions session after Parliament's Easter recess - Tony Blair were to lean across the dispatch box and, wagging an admonitory finger at Michael Howard, intone � la Iain Duncan Smith - the words:
I refer, of course, to the latest Tory/Howard Flight fiasco. As Rabbie Burns put it: "Facts are chiels that winna ding." The truth will out.
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For more on marking an answer as the "Best Answer", please visit our FAQ.Have you ever actually bothered to read UN Security Council Resolution 1441, Dom Tuk? It seems not, though it's easily findable using Google. It stated categorically that Iraq was proliferating WMD and the means to deliver them. It was promulgated months after the 45-minute/Iraqi WMD dossier was...ie the one in which Blair supposedly lied. Not only that, but it was signed-up-to by all 15 member states, including France, Russia, China, Syria etc. So, if Blair lied, then so too did Chirac, Putin and all the rest.
I've never heard of a tectonic scale myself, but - since you use the term - let me tell you that that the difference between lying and saying something that turns out just to be wrong is equally "on a tectonic scale".
For goodness' sake! Why don't you set your mind, Dom Tuk, to the question I asked rather than some totally different one that seems to exist in your head? Tory veracity is the point at issue here. (Incidentally, Hutton and Butler and the senior all-party Commons Intelligence Committee and the senior all-party Commons Foreign Affairs Committee all concluded that Blair was not guilty of deliberately deluding anyone. Did you read any of their findings either?)
Howard Flight was not some gash constituency MP hack; he was Deputy Chairman of the Conservative Party. (Mind you, given that Jeffrey Archer was the actual Chairman once, I'm not sure why anything emanating from that office should surprise me!)
The man stood up at a meeting and told his listeners, in effect: "What you're hearing from the party is nakedly political"...the last two were his actual words..."you'll need to wait and see what we really mean to do once we're in power."
He also freely admitted that the James Review of public spending, from which all their promised savings were to come had been (quote) "sieved". A sieve is designed to let only certain elements through whilst keeping others back. In this case, what was acceptable was revealed while what was not was concealed.
So much for: "What we tell you is what we promise to deliver", eh?
It shrouded oft our martyred dead,
And ere their limbs grew stiff and cold,
Their hearts blood dyed its every fold.
Then raise the scarlet standard high
Within its shade we'll live and die,
Though cowards flinch and traitors sneer,
We'll keep the red flag flying here.
Ironic or not, it would make an enjoyable PMQs if Tony Blair behaved as you suggest QM.
So, Vic, are you telling me that you can be persuaded to any other view than your own? Am I unique in my impermeability?
"Wouldn't it be a delicious irony if...." This is ranting? It seems, Vic, that we scarcely even speak the same language! Far from being "quite correct", as you claim, Dom's views have nothing whatever to do with the question I posed.
Have you also truly got nothing to say about Tory veracity? That's the thread's topic, after all.
Thanks, Q. I'll be watching on Wednesday and I hope you are, too. It would be just too delightful...surely someone will have pointed out the opportunity to him.
Re TV programmes, Dom, Bird and Fortune are brilliant, but Bremner is about as funny as piles.
But there you go again...talking about what the Tories might hope to exploit. You refer also to an 'illegal' war when no such case has ever been put to the test in any international court. You mention 'Bliar' when he must be the only politician in the world to have been cleared of lying by four separate high-level inquiries (as I pointed out earlier)!
Let me ask again...have you any views on my topic that are in even the slightest regard relevant?
For me, no, it wouldn't be 'delicious irony'. They're both a pair of jumped up imbeciles. Bliar is only interested in his ego and massaging figures of just about everything (I'm a civil servant so I know how they change the figures!). The idiotic thing for me is that Labour are STILL comparing stuff to when the Tories were in power. That's nearly 10 years ago! Haven't Labour got anything better to do that blame someone else when really they should be getting on with it and trying to make things better!
I haven't a clue who I will vote in the General election; to date I've always voted local Independant because they had local issues at heart. Now I'm living in Germany for the next 3 years I may even abstain (there aren't any decent parties; they're all a bunch of liars!). Since living in Germany I can see so many faults of Britain, which is tragic because I love Britain. I'm sick to death of vandalism, not feeling safe, extortionate pricing, lack of public transport, everyone talking but doing little etc. It's the complete opposite in Germany, well, in M�nch where I live. Why should it be different?