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Were they irresponsible?

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anotheoldgit | 16:53 Tue 17th May 2011 | News
56 Answers

I realise this was a brutal and savage attack on two females, and that women should feel free to camp out on their holidays, or on any other occasion.

But were these two foolish to the extreme, to camp out on a deserted beach in a foreign land alone?


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No, but they are taking a risk.
(Not that I've tried the link yet.)
The carribean is dangerous to anyone traveling alone outside the tourist areas.
I don't think they were "asking for it" but i do think people should be very aware of where they are going and what they will encounter and make themselves as safe as they possibly can. Never easy that's for sure, but in this day and age it's unfortunate that one has to think that danger lurks everywhere, no carefree days now it seems.
And they were sufficiently spooked to be in the middle of packing in order to move on, when they were attacked.

The fault is entirely that of the men involved.
There are generic warnings about using caution and not being alone on the island but the women weren't irresponsible. This sort of thing could and does happen anywhere. It couldn't have been that isolated if a car showed up. You might as well blame them for being women as blame them for this and that's just ridiculous.

Two woman alone on a deserted beach in the Caribbean or indeed ANYWHERE should not be encouraged.

They are women and women rather than men (usually) are the subject of rape.

Yes, the men concerned are animals, and wherever naive women and "animals" come into contact then rape may ensue.

That is the way that life is and although it cannot be condoned, then the answer surely is to not place yourself in positions of danger should you be a woman.
I can remember when British Railways trains had compartments marked "Ladies Only", to avoid such a scenario.
if they did that now Mike some of the contributors here would be clammering for the keyboard to complain about pandering to Muslim women.

As to the question at hand. I've just read a report about a poor kid aged 13 who was raped coming home from school yesterday. It sickened me, as did the police statement that advised women to travel in public, in groups etc.

What the f--k is the world at when a person of either sex can't spend time anywhere without fear of assault, rape, murder? Why should anyone be afraid to camp out or walk home? Were they irresponsible - of course not. They were raped through no fault of their own. they were rapes because some scum, some dirt, some Sugar decided to take advantage of them and have them. Were they foolish? No they were innocent people minding their own business who had an extreme act of violence carried out on them.
All men arw potential rapists, and if women go anywhere without men they are obviously asking for it.

Perhaps if they had have been wearing Burkhas non of that would have happened.

What a bl00dy outrageous question and insinuation.
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Once again Lies and insinuations from the 'Anti AOG Brigade'.

At no time whatsoever did I say "they were asking for it"

/// You might as well blame them for being women as blame them for this and that's just ridiculous. ///

Yes I agree with the poster of this statement, 'THAT'S JUST RIDICULOUS'.

I have already said they should be able to go about their daily lives safely, no matter what they choose to do, that is in an ideal world, but unfortunately we don't live in an ideal world, so it is up to the individual to take all the necessary precautions.

To those that have disagreed with this I say "can you come up with an alternative"?

I totality agree with those that have said "it wasn't the women's fault, but the fault of the scum who committed the act", but if I had approached this affair by that route, once again the 'Brigade' would have soon jumped on the 'band wagon' with cries of 'racist', taking into account that the crime took place on a Caribbean island therefore the perpetrators would have most likely been black.
Unfortunately, have now made it difficult for many of your fellow contributors to view any of your posts without being able to disregard the inherent racist content of those posts.

You are, in this case, I should imagine, correct. It is reasonable to infer that the perpetrators will be black given that this is an island in the Carribean.....but I know two white West Indians, so it is by no means 'definite'.

A solution might be that 'Men' put their own house in order; that across all races, colours and creeds Men are taught to respect women.......that would be a start.
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/// Unfortunately, have now made it difficult for many of your fellow contributors to view any of your posts without being able to disregard the inherent racist content of those posts.///

Once again you vigorously attack me, and accuse me of inherent racist content in my posts, yet if I were to accuse you of your 'anti men' content in your posts, you would more than likely accuse me of being offensive to you, and get me suspended?

A typical example.

/// A solution might be that 'Men' put their own house in order; that across all races, colours and creeds Men are taught to respect women.......that would be a start. ///

All very fine words if not a little 'anti men', but you state these words without the possible chance of your fine words being implemented.

Are you prepared to start and teach 'ALL' men to respect women, I fear not, because you have got as much chance as I have of teaching 'ALL' women to respect men.
AOG - These women were not raped by some nebulous concept..........these women were raped by men; men who do not respect women.

I shall agree with your final point once the 'men raped by women' statics gain parity with the reverse....

Whilst it may suit your purpose to believe and argue otherwise, I am not anti-men; and your suspension was entirely of your own manufacturing....I do not recall having pressed your fingers against the keys.
Jack I would defend you with because you're a woman. I'll defend a man because it's right. I respect you for your choices because they are your own. Thank you for not judging me for mine. I hope to meet you someday.
they were attacked by a gang of 6 men, even if they were "sensible enough" to have been escorted by two big burly men, the outcome could well have been the same. It's just a horrific event that could have happened pretty much anywhere.
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Gromit - "All men are potential rapists ..." speak for yourself!

That nonsensical meaningless statement belongs in the same area as -

all mass murderers drank milk as babies
all sadists wore nappies
all war criminals walk on two legs
all dictators have teeth

for heaven's sake, it's not an appropriate observation in this context - made even less appropriate by the fact that it is meaningless.
AOG - I see your point, by I err on the side of those who comment that these women were foolish rather than irresponsible.

Of course any woman should be able to camp anywhere safely, but as we all know, the world is not ideal, and certain sitatuions demand a minimising of risks - in the same way that we all wear seat belts in cars - life is about risk assessment and minimisation where possible.

the scenario works in tandem with the 'rape sentences' thread running in tandem - it is such an emotive crime, it makes reasoned debate difficult, but as we AB'ers prove on a daily basis - not impossible,
When is this attacking of AOG no matter what he types going to stop?

True some of his opinions are iffy (in the majority's opinion) and should be challenged, but i see nothing in his initial OP here that deserved slating.

How about some of you give the guy a break and take each of his posts at face value instead of attacking each and every post he makes just because you disagree with some of his views?

And if you really can't bring yourselves to debate like the adults we're all supposed to be, how about ignoring his posts altogether then?

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