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Iraq war over - did we win or lose?

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Gromit | 09:31 Sun 22nd May 2011 | News
11 Answers
Britain's involvement in Iraq officially finishes today when our last personel leave.

Eight years, was it worth it?


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<<<Did We Win Or Lose?>>>

The sole object was to get rid of Saddam Hussein....that was the goal and that was was was achieved and a s such, the Coalition Forces...won.
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We achieved that in the first weeks of the war in 2003.
I don't think there have been any winners in the Iraq war.
Just thank the Lord that our boys are coming home. Although now they have Afghanistan to look forward to....
Oops that should have read soldiers..apologies to any forces ladies out there.
There was no winning or losing, it was about overthrowing a regime. That was achieved. didn't say "when did we win or lose it" you just said-" Did We Win Or Lose?"

and clearly the answer was ....Yes.
I thought it was about finding WMD !
We won, beacuse we were the goodies, and the goodies always win.

French people don't see history that way, of course.
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Let's hope that when Gadafi is removed, we don't keep British Forces there in peril in Libya for 8 years.
There's only about 40 more Middle Eastern countries to sort out. Who shall we take on next?

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Iraq war over - did we win or lose?

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