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Good news - I think?

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Gromit | 01:26 Fri 10th Jun 2011 | News
5 Answers
Vince Cable says Southern Cross will not get any tax payers money.


Hopefully he is right. But Dave is quote happy to do U-turns. What do we do with the old folk and homes if this company do go bust. Shoyld the taxpayer bail them out?


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Unfortunately I agree with Birdie.
The government seems to have very little choice(again). If I understand things correctly they will have to provide assistance for a company which appears to have no assets as the buildings etc have all been transferred to another company.
Tut-Tut Yet another link from Gromit's favourite newspaper.
Can't we adopt Geezer's outsourcing model and send all the Geriatrics to Turkey or Thailand.

I expect the cost of providing care is a lot less there and they really know how to look after old people in those cultures.

And if they don't receive the latest medical care well the likely result (know what i mean) is an immediate saving in pensions etc

<Win-Win End Of> as Geezer might say
Got an answer AOG or did you just pop in to snipe?

Like Birdie and Scotman. They really have no choice. Up to 31,000 elderly people....

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Good news - I think?

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