The point I was (clumsily) trying to make redhelen is that if being described as a ginger kid is so upsetting that the boy was reduced to tears, then he really really needs to toughen up.
Helen....Ginge didn't get picked on in school. He went round with 3 other It was funny watching them walking down the corridor like the ginger mafia.
I wouldn't see a problem if the kid never got hold of the receipt (no story obviously if he didn't) but would you laugh if you went into dominos and received your 'miserable old git' receipt AOG ?
"One poor sod went through his whole secondary school life as spastic spencer becuase he had a wonky eye. "
it doesn't really ecuse it though duzzit. perhaps spastic spencer is sitting in a bedsit somewhere planning a gun rampage revenge on all his old schoolmates. i suspect this particular story is some naff crap attempt at poking fun towards discimnatory laws 'if they mentioned the colour of his skin 'blah blah blah'. the fact that this kid won't go back to dominoes any more because of this incident is a good thing, his receipts later in life won't say 'fatty arbuckle'.
That would be a bit different the Helen. The majority of our school was Irish/Irish decent. Ginger wasn't unusual. I asked my young cousins if they get any grief...apparently not. Saying that, there's loads of cousins at the school.
I don't think flip flop was trying to excuse anything, just pointing out that people and children in particular can be cruel. I have been described in similar circumstances, ie picking up a takeaway as bald man. So what, that's what I am and it made certain I got the right meal.
I'm not trying to excuse it Ankou and I'm not saying it is right - what I am saying is that calling names has happened time immemorial and will always continue.
It is a fact of life.
Spastic Spencer went on to become a research chemist and the last time I saw him (probably a couple of years ago) he was due to take up a position at a University in the States.
JTH - I have mad hair when it gets long and therefore was Hairbear from The Hair Bear Bunch.
i could do some beatbox whilst you say that triggs, we could tour the schools and stuff. we'd be the next big thing since grange hill's 'just say no' drugswatch campagin.
of course i'd have to be zammo. you could be roly browning or gripper stebson.