Did you think that Dimbleby tried to belittle Peter Hitchens in front of the audience too much? After all he is the chairman who should be impartial, obviously Dimbleby already had it all set down before the show, on how he was to attack Hitchens.
I thought Hitchens views on why he thought sex was etched on young persons minds far too much these days, vie sex education lessons, and the fact that we were a much more moral country when marriage was more prevalent, were a little over the top.
But his views on Libya, and overseas aid were spot on in my opinion.
Yes, thats what the panellists are there for, to give their own views. He allowed Germaine Greer to rabbit on, none of it making any sense... I mean whats a barbie doll got to do with sex and as for the young girl kissing her father before going to bed which to Greer was a sexual act it defies belief.