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Should certain rules be adhered to?

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anotheoldgit | 15:01 Fri 17th Jun 2011 | News
65 Answers

Should cultural and ethnic backgrounds be taken into account when deciding uniform and hair style policies in British schools?

Or should we now say, come to school looking how you like and wearing what you like?


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what gets me is that if I move abroad (which I have in the past) I fitted in with that particular country's ways - whereas we seem to dilute out heritage to accommodate other beliefs. I'm all for tolerance but think we've been a little too accommodating.
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pmsl @ stood up for it's roots.............
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I do partly agree with Triggs though. Afro hair is often braided....
Once upon a time the school dictated waht the uniform should be. If a pupil or its parents don't want to follow the line take them somewhere else.
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/// If he`s wearing the style for religious reasons then I think he should be
allowed ///

If it was a question of religion I could not see anything wrong, but 'cornrows', are just an hairstyle which is popular among African and Afro-Caribbean communities, how this case ever got to the High Courts I just don't know.

If it has been as suggested that certain hair styles are badges among certain Gang Cultures, then surely they are just encouraging such gangs to form at the school, which somewhere down the line will certainly have it's own implications.
If I ran a school I would have a 'Strictly no Uniform' rule!

This isn't what this is all about though. If you choose to send your child to a school with a uniform then your child should adhere to the rules. But I don't think that hairstyles should be dictated.
having a strict rule of 'short back and sides' for boys though is daft! That automatically rules out Sikh's too, should they just deal with it?
It's a Catholic school Paul....won't be that many different religions getting in.
and AOG, I think allowing hair styles is a bit different from encouraging the formation of gangs!
apologies didn't read the link, just going on my own experiences, but i agree that its time schools were listened to in matters of uniform, dress codes, most of the children i see coming from or going to school look like they were dressed from the local jumble sale. A fuss was made a while back about a girl who wore a bracelet, that had some Christian symbolism, and the school said she shouldn't wear it. Not sure of the outcome of that, but its many parents who are to blame for not having the good sense to abide by school rules, and decisions. I wouldn't be a teacher in a British school for all the tea in china.
Here's a Catholic schools admission policy in Northampton.


And the uniform policy...

pa_ul3. AOG is correct, certain hairstyles (which he said) are part of some gang cultures.
I was sitting here reading the uniform policy ummmmm and grinning to myself - thinking how all those smart little 11 year old start at the school looking pristine in their new school uniforms and adhere to all the rules, and then by 13 all the rules are broken. My son ended up wearing black jeans, black trainers, shirt outside, black anorak instead of blazer with his lovely blonde hair dyed red!! At that was at a boarding school!

That is why I don't like uniforms, the kids end up looking worse than if they wore their own comfortable clothes.

I agree with those that say that kids work better at school wearing comfortable clothing and not uniforms which they are unhappy with.

I certainly never felt proud about my school uniform - most of us hated wearing it, especially when we reached teenage years.
There ya go, in ummmm's link that particular school has the authority to decide what it deems to be an extreme hairstyle or not! Ace, i love it!

I've said it before, and others have said variations of it- if you don't like the rules, go elsewhere- this applies to anywhere, be it school/workplace/anywhere.
This school has these rules to try and stop all types of gang culture from making things worse , they have had major problems with gangs in the area.

And apparently they have a high success rate of achievement with the blacks in the school as a result of their policies.

so it would seem that this individual has probably shot himself in the foot (no pun intended), lets see how the school now maintains its high standards
Brendan, I'm not saying that's not the case, but allowing someone to have a hairstyle that has been adopted by a gang is hardly akin to encouraging kids to be in gangs.
Despite my haircut, I'm not a neo-nazi nor a football hooligan.
most of us hate out uniforms, and the rules and regulations regarding our own appearance at work lottie, but dems da rules. I fail to see why children should be treated any different in their "place of work"

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