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So it's happened again

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sir.prize | 15:57 Wed 27th Jul 2011 | News
25 Answers
Another burgling scum pays the price. When will they ever learn?


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Poor bloke, aged 72 !
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its too early to speculate really, so one must suppose that the old jamaican shopkeeper believed his life was in danger, certainly there was more than just one stabbing at the shop.
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Let's not get too carried away on a wave of vigilante-esque self-righteousness here shall we?

I don't imagine that the shop keeper is making high-fives everywhere over what has happened. He has killed someone, and he has to livev with that for ever, even if the law deems his action not to be illegal.

And before anyone leaps in and says things like "If it was your shop / home ... , 'What would you do ...?' 'They are scum who deserve it ...' and all that nonsense, just think about it.

No-one deserves to die a violent death like this, just as no law-abiding citizen deserves to be burgled, but that does not mean we can all smile and feel vengeful about this terrible incident, and tell ourselves that we'd have done the same.

It's never that simple, and to think that it is is to demean our humanity. So cool the righteous anger, and think about the consequences for all involved.

Ok - right, now you can start ...
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Good points andy - however this type of crime seems to be more prevalent. Groups of individuals invading the privacy of an innocent. There are bound to be altercations and unfortunately tragic outcomes. My original question was 'When will they ever learn?' Regretfully they won't. So where does the blame lie? In my book you do the crime, you know the risk and suffer the consequences. As exdc commented: 'Poor bloke, aged 72!'
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Fair comment Andy but if someone broke into my home I doubt I'd stop to think "I will have to live with it...". By the time I have done that, it could be me on the floor dead.

It is very simple.
oh deary me, r1 appears to be sinking.
The poor guy,all he was doing was trying to get some money,then some bastard of a shop keeper kills him,i mean,its getting to the point when a healthy young guy cant even terroize an old man in his shop.I dont like the way this country is going.
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AND The bloke who was stabbed had already been Tried for Murder.
what exactly did R1 do?
is doing a number countdown against ab policy?
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Probably contravention of Site Rules: 'Comments not relative to the topic.'
piggynise. its tantamount to bullying isnit. as well as being irrelevant tosh.
I was just counting down to the irrelevant b0wlox that always comes up when this subject is discussed. Usually from jake or Gromit.

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