i truly give in...the great unwashed are now pelting riot police with bins/bricks/trolleys etc after a 'stop and search' took place in hackney. are they attempting to suggest the police should leave them alone to get up to lord knows what? you can see the stupid buggers gawping in the the middle of the trouble, others smashing the street up and actively provoking the police for a response. i say again - they should get the rubber bullets back out and perhaps the scrotes would think twice about acting like a hooligan/thug/gangster. i would be ashamed and horrified if that was my child behaving like that and would do lords knows what to him as a result. why do parents let their children grow up believing that it is acceptable to behave in this way? what are your thoughts on the events that are unfolding? is currently live on bbc news x
The key word I used was "rarely" zeuhl, It does happen but not too often that they'd think of disarming the police as they are overwhelmed and shot with their own firearms so often unless you know different?
"i noticed all the looting going on they didnt try to do boots or places selling soap or deodorants smelly scruffy yobs" I think your watching the reruns of the poll tax/student riots or something bernie, The footage I'm watching have youths all dressed in hundreds of pounds of the latest fashions.
wrongn3mber, They have just looted a fashion outlet for some new outfits. I hope they get a least 5years apiece if convicted, but I will not hold my breath.
Brendon they were dressed in designer wear before the looting. Some will get done for theft, burglary, criminal damage, arson, affray but doubt any will get more than 3 years..
That's fair enough jackthehat, I'm talking about the many hundreds I know and the hundreds if not thousands I've worked with over the years. Where are you from as we're in london, I'm guessing maybe your area has a lot less trouble than here.
"Most of the rank and file officers in the Met don't want firearms" Lol I'm talking about the frontline bobbies and riot police not the pen pushers safe in their offices jackthehat.
I don't condone this violence...but the government, have put prices up..gas electricity... everyday living etc.... no-one can afford holidays.. the NHS is suffering... and in this case from what I've read... a policeman shot someone by mistake.... I repeat..I don't agree or condone violence to any one..any area.. but is it any wonder..or a suprise!??Mrs Crisper x
You don't understand the usual terminology of the police, then?
Rank and file means precisely those officers you mention.......strange that (for someone who works as closely with the as you do) you didn't know that. LoL
I agree crisper the situation as mentioned previously was a powder keg awaiting explosion, all it took was the spark last thursday and now we have the criminals "adding petrol to the fire and fanning the flames both figuratively and literally.
We are all suffering austerity measures Mrs Crisper but not taking to the streets burning and looting, but there again we are probably better educated and realise something has to be done to get this country back on its feet.
Lol, of course jackthehat, sorry but I'm on several different forums at the same time as here and not everyone can get my full attention unfortunately!