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i have been caught up in several riots (unfortunately not the one causing any damage, tho). i went to london on the day of the poll tax riot to see a west end show! the highlight of that day was retreating into what looked like a quiet subway only for coppers to get on one end of the train and a load of skinheads on the other (that was a trouser moment, i can tell you!). this rubbish going on at the moment is purely down to mindless yobs who think they are above the law, are entitled (to what, i'm not quite sure) and they don't have to lift a finger to get it (unless it involves a brick through a window). the government should show some balls, deploy the army and shoot blatant troublemakers with rubber bullets (fatal or not) or at the very least those bean bag thingys. even if you take these events back to their root 'cause' the bloke who was shot had a gun, at least tried to shoot one police officer and had some lovely gangsta photos on facebook. a paragon of virtue...i think not x