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scotland wants its own domain name .scot

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sparkymick | 19:07 Sun 25th Sep 2011 | News
19 Answers
should there be one for other parts of the uk. could counties have them ?


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Why would they want to? Do you have a link to this news story, please?
The campaign for .SCO has existed for over 5 years but (at present) to no avail.
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it is on the bbc freeview teletext news
might as well let them have it - its no different than giving in to a small child. Even the internet isnt bigger than their ridiculous need for 'all things Scottish'.
Northern Ireland and Wales could have them too. It seems no big deal.
dot co dot uk suits me fine thank you.
These days if you have the money then you too can have your own domain name, the market has been opened up. Expect .ford, .walmart, .virgin etc to appear in the near future.
Its nonsense, what benefit is there.

Just so they disassociate themselves from the UK. somehow maybe ? I don't understand it.
let them have .jock or .sweaty
What gets me is; if scotland is so wonderful why do tgey all come down south and whinge. Why dont they all go back up again?
it won't take off, private companies would get more marketing and exposure with dot com or dot uk.

only useful if they want all .scot websites to only be in scottish gaelic like other country domains with their own language (.it, .es, .fr, .de). so bearing in mind the captive scottish gaeilc speaking audience it would generally be quite pointless.
I can think of a few around here who could do with a web-name ending in .dim!
///What gets me is; if scotland is so wonderful why do tgey all come down south\\\

Ahem, I don't think so boggy. I never have and never will have any intention of moving ///down south\\\ thank you very much.

Don't you just love sweeping generalisations!
be quite nice for rutland.... .rut can see a large deer migration heading their way... .

Nice golden eye Bibblebub BTW bit late for mating display though
Berkshire = .berk
Norfolk could be

Essex and Middlesex would be popular
Stupid idea.

"Let them have .jock or .sweaty
What gets me is; if scotland is so wonderful why do tgey all come down south and whinge. Why dont they all go back up again?"

Cos Scotland is now so full of White settlers that there is no room left!!
White settlers?
Sussex, Middlesex, Essex could use .sex

Bet they would be popular.
White Settlers - wealthy immigrants that move in and somewhat take over.

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scotland wants its own domain name .scot

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