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armed police guard

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DrFilth | 04:52 Sun 02nd Oct 2011 | News
73 Answers
a 1.4 mile ring of steel .roads blocked off and streets closed.

another edl march in manchester , NO this time it is the tory conference.
1000 police officers will be on duty each day of the conference, police have been drafted in from merseyside, lancashire, west yorkshire and cheshire.

if you live up here and have any trouble getting hold of a copper nip down into manchester town centre they will be mixing with the tory scum who will be claiming expenses for a nice hotel and some good food.


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hc4361 and it is the tories who have made sure the old will not get it now that the energy prices have shot up

The Tories are Scum though
what a load of fecking tosh from an unbalanced left wing loonie. Even a right winger like AOG doesn't even stoop to this level of irrational drivel.

It is no wonder that many decent centrists do not trust "Red Ed" and his minions if the sentiments expressed on this thread reflect the latest reincarnation of the loony left, as outlined in this illogical and poorly argued toss.

Nick Clegg you get my vote ahead of Red Ed if this is what we are facing with a future Labour Party, not withstanding their crimes in leaving Britain starved of money, their willingness to pile into wars, their toadyism to Europe and all the rest.
The Winter Fuel Payment is a bit of a farce in any case.
It is not means tested so everybody in that age bracket gets it, even if they are billionaires.
Ex pats living abroad (within the EU) in warmer countries get it, provided they had one payment before they emigrated.

So billionaire ex pats living the high life in St Tropez or the Canaries get it. No need to claim, it is automatic. I suppose it helps pay for the air con.

I'm all for helping the needy. Not so keen on helping the multi millionaire.
and who laid that one in - the Socialists.....guess its the vestiges of so called Brown and Blarian communism, (one for all and all for one being a most apt motto - with the Tony greed - how much is he now worth?)

but I agree with you, hc, it needs sorting out, "toute suite."
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>> what a load of fecking tosh from an unbalanced left wing loonie.<<

wish the sum on here would make their mind up last week i had a post pulled for being a bnp fan

>> their willingness to pile into wars,<<
and what was the last count on the bill for libya

i find myself wondering where next
come the revolution, one of you will be shot
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>> I'm all for helping the needy. Not so keen on helping the multi millionaire. <<

if it is helping the millionaires you would think that dave would keep paying it out
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>> come the revolution, one of you will be shot <<

only if uncle sam lends us some more bullets
So presumably then, hc, you’d like to see the State pension “means tested” so that only those “in need” receive it (despite the fact that those “not in need” have probably contributed far more to the fund and were led to believe they would get the pittance offered when they reached their dotage).
Pittance to what Iraq and Afghanistan has cost us. Imagine someone like Wilson being a Bush puppet, he must be rolling in his proverbial grave at the thought of Blair and Brown and what they have done.
Money being brought into Manchester? Perhaps but who is paying as I am sure most will be claimed as 'expenses'. They should try tele-conferencing but I suppose that would nullify photo ops and the ability to huddle in corners to discuss how to make life better for themselves and worse for the rest of us. Still, I suppose we have no option but to pick up the bills yet again.
Not at all. I am all for the state pension not being means tested.
Everyone who has paid their NI contributions should get the basic pension.

If a pensioner is of low income they get pension credits, which brings with it housing benefit, council tax benefit.
I would like to see Winter Fuel Payments paid in the same way - the same as Cold Weather Payments are paid.

My parents give their WFP to Age Concern - they certainly don't need it.
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DTcrosswordfan for someone who thinks this is a load of left wing sh1te don't let me keep you
Very noble of them. But the fact that they "don't need it" is no reason why they should not receive it.
Aah Dr F you won't - I am shortly heading off to bed having been watching what you probably deem as a Tory sport, rugby......your very comment to me shows that you have no original thoughts and that Brown and Blair and their stooges are as guilty as any "Tory scum" in your words.

Perhaps they are indeed right wingers foisted on the party by the secret services at the behest of the Duke of Edinburgh and his fascist friends. Now there's a whacky conspiracy theory, worthy of your lack of logic and reasonable debate.
and as I am going to bed, DrF, I will answer my point for you - with a twist.

Blithering rubbish and off his can - just as your original premis on this thread is and also your subsequent ramblings.

Good night. Hope the Police keep their sirens down for your beauty sleep.
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>> worthy of your lack of logic <<

never had many good words for blair, keep trying

are there no other stimulating posts to keep your brain cell happy
/// you stick your one party state up your @rse aog f****** wrong again ///

/// what does that say now aog ////

Well words fail me, I will not assume this time, I can see perfectly well what type of person you are, by your unnecessary vulgar language.

No wonder they call it the 'Nasty Left' you would not get a Tory using such language, they have had a much better upbringing.

Were you among the 'Socialist Workers Party' crowd protesting outside the conference centre? I think they fit your four letter word much better than the Tories.

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