Gang culture rears it's ugly head once again. in The AnswerBank: News
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Gang culture rears it's ugly head once again.

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anotheoldgit | 11:41 Sun 16th Oct 2011 | News
85 Answers

I have to repeat once again, when are our politicians going to stop pussy footing about and take constructive and severely strict measures to stamp out this ever increasing gang culture amongst some of our young?

Look at these young faces, they are so hard looking what causes this? They have all there lives in front of them and they have to ruin it, why?

Good the judge decided to allow for these young thugs to be identified, why cannot it be the norm in all young criminal's cases?

Be interested to know what ABers might suggest would be an answers to the problem, without the usual "Bring back National service" because we all know that is never going to happen, more to the pity.
Rich Text Editor, the_answer


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In other words, I totally agree Paul.
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Seems like some will now be handed £100 vouchers to attend the lessons which will teach issues such as discipline, communication and managing conflict.

I ask you?
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You beat me to it Boo.
But not everyone has been lucky enough to have been brought up by loving, honest, hard working, parents.

If £100 is the incentive, and it works, it's £100 well spent.
Ahh, sorry AOG.

Astonishing innit?

So the theme seems to be " you pop out kids, and as well as the benefits you receive, we'll give you an additional 100 to teach you basic human skills as well", fanbloodytastic! Which will be followed closely by "and dont worry about the costs- those who are still dim enough to work will pay for it"
Then lets stop the means for those people to have children then ummmm. I'm willing to bet the last fiver in my purse that if the benefits were decreased for each additional child they popped out, the population would slow down somewhat!
Well, they are not being given money, just vouchers to spend on lessons, but the scheme is going to cost a great deal. Unfortunately, I can only see responsible parents taking advantage of it, those who are OK parents anyway, but just need a bit of help. The sort of parents I am thinking about won't get off their backsides to go to such lessons!!
I don't know....people were having loads of kids before benefits were introduced. I think people just like to have sex....
And, as BOO points out it is the responsible people who work and pay their taxes who are paying for this scheme.
Before benefits were introduced people were having loads of kids because contraception wasn't very successful and besides that those kids were usually brought up in quite poor circumstances but were still brought up by parents who had standards.
And which, quite frankly I personally will resent doing so lottie. I raise my child properly (least I think so!) I don't see why i should help out other people financially to do what should be a given to a child you've given birth to.
BOO - who taught you to be a good parent?
My parents- who both worked, had morals and taught me from right and wrong and genuinely loved me. Same as most normal people I assume ummmm.
^ Ditto to BOO.

Also grandparents, who I spent a fair amount of time with, and Aunts and uncles and generally the people I spent my time with as a young child. And the first years of a child's life are the most formative.
Like said, not all people have been that lucky. Bad parenting from people brought up by bad parents. I'm not condoning anyone....but some people know no better.

If this scheme gives them a chance to change things...
It won't :-)

If there was an option to opt out of helping towards the cost of this madcap scheme, believe me, I would.
It might though.

I might be completely naive because, besides the smelly Kelly's, I don't know any dysfunctional families...
But ummmm, do you really believe that it's bad parents who will attend? Will they even know they are bad parents, or even care!!
I take that back....Gingers sister is/was pretty dysfunctional but his Mum took over and kept the kids.
I think bad parents have an idea they are bad parents.

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