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Toddler Hit By Car and People walk on by in China

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mountainboo | 08:05 Mon 24th Oct 2011 | News
45 Answers
My husband told me that he had seen a deeply distressing news story recently. Footage shows a 2 year old girl with her teddy bear walking alone on a busy road, shortly afterwards she is hit by a van which does not stop. Dozens of people see her but walk on by and leave her bleeding to death in the road. She finally gets taken to hospital where she dies the following day!!! How absolutely despicable. Where is the humanity?


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sadly, this little girl has died. i was most disgusted by the first driver who obviously knew he had hit something and then continued to drive over her. the other people involved are scum. simples x
Agree wholeheartedly with Ratter and mountainboo.
Another news story I was aware of but didn't look up the details of.

Maybe we need to walk a mile in another's moccasins before we can understand enough to pass judgement. Was it ascertained where the parent's were ?
Naturally no apostrophe.
The older I get the more surprises I get when I see what the PC claims I typed.
There was another one today in China, a truck driver hit a 5 yr old boy walking home from school, and then reversed back over him to make sure he was dead, saving him having to pay hospital bills.There is even a photo of the boy under the tyre, though thankfully blurred out.

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