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Horrendous Road Crash M5

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daisya | 23:19 Fri 04th Nov 2011 | News
69 Answers
Having just watched breaking news of this terrible accident with 26 cars and lorries etc, can't imagine what the emergency people are facing and indeed the poor souls injured and worse (they have said some fatalities) must be going through. Must be terrible, I wonder if anyone here knows more about it?


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Latest just come in from Police - 34 vehicles involved some burnt to ground. At least 7 dead but number expected to rise after more searches in burnt out cars also some may die from injuries. 51 injured quite a lot seriously. Motorway not expected to be cleared until after weekend. Very very sad ....... Police said worst UK crash in living memory. It just makes you thankful to be safe doesn't it, our hearts go out to those who have lost loved ones.
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Well said Steve.
I wouldn`t write it off as motorway madness until (if ever) the cause was established.
I agree with SJ's comment.

However, from what was intimated on our local Beeb news, the Bonfire smoke from the Taunton RC could have been a contributing factor......Let's see what the authorities come out with. I suspect that, just for the distraction factor, that the Rugby Club will not be allowed to run Nov 5 fireworks again - or simply they may just not want to...and that is understandable in light of the appalling carnage justa cross from them.
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My thoughts last night when I heard about it DT. Maybe the motorway madness was having a firework display close to it
I wouldn't write it off as motorway madness either. As someone said earlier, we don't know - it may have been caused by a driver suffering heart failure. My 'well said' to Steve was for his apology.
Steve.....I am very impressed with your well written post of apology.....however i must say that I empathise with your comments.
Yes, he deserved that, Naomi....I am sure it will be appreciated by those on the thread a the time.
Ah. Nice one Steve.
I understand what you were trying to say, I just think you could have probably worded it a bit better. I didn't mean to have a go last night, I was just a bit gobsmacked that someone could be so "straight to the point" when it had just happened.
Good of you to apologise, though :-)
just imagine how many people are now feeling as though the end of their world has come - their friends and family involved in this horrendous accident and you just can't turn the clock back. So sorry for all involved - the rescue teams deserve a medal.
Just read that they have cancelled the North Petherton because of the crash! That's a shame as I believe it was to be the last one anyway but I suppose with the M5 being shut there was no way the A38 could be closed as well.
Yeah, I heard that on the radio today. Makes sense, I guess.
Such an awful thoughts are with those who were involved and with the emergency services. Ive thought about this all day.....very very shocking and sad.
That should say "North Petherton Carnival"
Lol. I knew what you meant. Are you local then, D9?
Weston-super-mare area so not far away but I lived in Petherton when I was a lad.
LOL!!! Me too.
Small world. :-)

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