Missprim, with regards to your question... I have no idea. It's ridiculous, really, and asking for trouble. We all have to stick to the same speed limit, so what's the point?? Probably a case of "boys and their toys", I guess.
On another note, whilst you're here, have you stopped your obsession with Markrae now? I saw your posts, though did not respond, and wondered what the flump they were all about???
What is the matter.
He wasn't driving the wrong way up the carriageway like most 67 year olds.
Further proof that a compulsary resit of the driving test every 5 years after you reach the age of 60 should come in immediately.
No obsession flip was just a bit annoyed with him but as always I over react.
I would have been more concerned about the other thread that was put on that was somehing like 'Who is MarkRae'
I didn't contribute to that as I felt that was most unfair.
Hope he has no hard feelings towards me
I think I need to go to anger management : -)
Missprim, Lol.
It just seemed everyone was going "markRae" mad that day! :-)
But no, no problem. We all over-react sometimes.
As for anger management, hahaha :D It's easy to get annoyed on here.
I don't think, for one minute, Marco has an issue with you. I'm sure it went completely over his head.
In fact, I know it made him laugh... so no worries :-) x
Vehicles are not confiscated and crushed as a matter of course, they may be confiscated and sold at auction if unclaimed. They are only crushed if they are close to scrap anyway.