I love getting mail of any sort, but I feel a bit of a fraud because, altho' I post off a couple of competitions a week, I enter others by email and correspond with friends by email, so I am not doing a lot to support Royal Mail. But as regards to lazy postmen, ours is lovely. Instead of just shoving post through our outside (glass) porch door, leaving it in full view of any passer-by, especially if we were away for a while, he started coming inside and tucking the mail round the corner in our inside porch, out of sight of any casual callers. He did this unasked and when we thanked him for this one day, my husband said jokingly that he was opening up an inside letter box so that they could be put straight into our hallway to save us having to open the door to pick up our post. No problem, the postie said seriously and now he does just that. He's been on our walk some time, thankfully Royal Mail seems to have given up its policy of continually changing postmen's routes. But like others on this thread, I do miss the post being there first thing in the morning as it used to be.