<<most 'ordinary men in the street', people no matter how poor, toed the moral line, much more than can be see today. etc etc>>
I think that's true Old Git though I'm sure you'd agree that in a proportion of those households the neat lace curtains concealed the regular sunday afternoon wife-beating, the illegitimate children passed off as mum's baby sister and the children waiting in terror for some family member to return from church and give them a 'special' cuddle.
However, I think the bigger point is (touched on by sp) that if we do accept that there was greater moral control in the past, it came with serious downsides. For instance:
Undeserved respect for people simply because they were in a position of authority or were of a different class ie don't question your 'betters' (even when they are cheating, hypocritical, nasty bar-stewards)
Social deprivation and ill health for the non-privileged
Exploitation and discrimination on a massive scale (social class, race, creed) that even the most non-pc person today would find incredible and often associated with mind-blowing hypocrisy (as an aside i was appalled once again by the monty python vs the Bishop & Muggeridge debate repeated recently - the one side attempted to take the moral high ground even though Muggeridge was an egotistical and vicious alcoholic and the Bishop - apart from being incredibly pompous and conceited - was an ardent persecutor of gays despite being a closet homosexual himself)
The post war period swept much of that away and good riddance
I think the sad thing is that as its legacy, instead of a questioning, ambitious, politically motivated youth that seemed to arise in the 60's we now have young people who are either;
suppressed by the weight of educational qualification scoring, materialistic expectations, career insecurities, and debts.
or apathetic, unmotivated and interested only in trivial nonsense like celebrity and instant fame
or reduced to gaining status, money and esteem through gang culture, crime and assaults like this case.
How we gain a better balance between the two states is another matter. Maybe one can't. Maybe it's a natural process where things swing back and forth between extremes. If one lives through a moderate phase then just enjoy it.