Smoking in restaurants in The AnswerBank: Body & Soul
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Smoking in restaurants

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delilahcat | 02:04 Sat 14th May 2005 | Body & Soul
65 Answers

There's a question below asking about smoking, in which an ABer says there's no demand for non-smoking restaurants. Please will everyone give their view on whether they would like a ban on smoking in enclosed public places, particularly in restaurants?

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Basically, yes, ban it. I've no objection if special smokers' rooms are set aside, but the air extraction had better work well. I've got nothing personal against smokers, but I don't see why they should be allowed to kill me (secondarily of course). And cigarette smoke does smell.
Yes please

There certainly IS a demand for non smoking pubs/restaurants!  All branches of Wetherspoons have banned smoking full stop...At least here in Cardiff they have and a restaurant we go to asked all patrons to put it the vote..Non smokers won!! .

No, I am quite happy sharing space with non-smokers.  Why not leave it as it is, as a smoker myself I find pubs should have an area where we can enjoy a puff or two.  A blanket ban of smoking in public places is a breach of human rights, we are aware that we are damaging our health but I feel that the "passive smoking" card is overplayed greatly.  More importantly lets consider banning children in public bars, where drinking and bad language are the causes of many of our social problems today!
Ban in all public enclosed spaces! I hate coming home from a pub/club reeking of fags and not breathing clean air when i want to go out.
Yes please ban smoking in all public places.
Yes a ban should be brought in on smoking in enclosed public places.
It should definitely be banned.
ban it
Yes, it should be banned.  The smoke keeps me out of pubs.  On the rare occasions that I go, I wear something that is old and ready for the wash, because it will stink when I get home.

Yes - ban smoking in public places!

Dead against having to share my leisurely time with other people's smoke. It makes my clothes smell, makes my eyes sore, plays havoc with my sinuses & gives me a headache - sorry bruce!

What's you view on it delicat?
I am not a smoker but I do actually quite like the smoky smell of pubs. They are atmospheric and remind me of my childhood spent in the Conservative Club full of fat old men smoking cigars!! But the health issue totally overrides this. It kills people. So the very thought of sitting in a public place breathing poisnous gas is ridiculous and completely outdated now. They should ban smoking in public places, even though it is alienating for the smokers.
i smoke and i like a ciggarette after a meal or with a drink..so i think we should get seperate areas to keep everyone happy..mr daisy hates ciggarette smoke so he has bought an air conditioner for the lounge..so thats a compromise we are both happy..allthough its a bit cold sometimes when he puts it on full blast...

Total ban please in all enclosed public places.  I do not want to smell of stale cigarette smoke or be forced to inhale cigarette smoke.    And I could not enjoy a meal with the smell of smoke around me.

Was there smoking at the party last night FP - am so annoyed that I missed it.
I'm with the majority - ban it! Came in from a pub last night absolutley stinking! Can also irritate my eyes if it's bad, and just feels like its harder to breathe normally.
Hope it was a 'no smoking' party last night FP!
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Hi Smudge,

I'm absolutely with the majority  - I hate the smell and I find it annoying that when I've paid for a nice meal out, someone lights up at the next table and puts me off eating it! I do actually sympathise with smokers as I appreciate just how addictive it is. My own partner is a smoker of 45 years and has tried giving up on several occasions but I have accepted that he'll never give up completely, though he has cut down a lot. He never smokes in the house or in restaurants as he knows how much I hate it. In addition, my best friend, with whom we often go out for a meal, suffers from asthma and cigarette smoke makes her condition much worse.

I really started this thread because I couldn't believe that someone could be so self-delusional as to say that there's no demand for non-smoking restaurants! Every survey that's ever been done on this subject has shown that the majority of people would support a ban.And in reply to the smokers who say there should be separate areas, I'm sorry but these don't work. Cigarette smoke doesn't know it's supposed to stay on one side of the room! Also I don't the think the 'we should have the freedom to smoke' argument works. There are many things in life that we don't have the freedom to do, including harming other people.

Only 27% of Uk adults smoke - I think it's time that the other 73% were able to go out to pubs and restaurants and not have to sit in an atmosphere which is, at best, unpleasant, and at worst, downright harmful.

Absolutely agree delilah Cat.

And nobody was smoking at the party last night - except when Corbyloon's kilt caught fire!

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