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Young innocent caught in the cross fire of black gangs.

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anotheoldgit | 11:23 Tue 27th Mar 2012 | News
26 Answers

If the police know about these black gangs who are running riot all over our capital city, why are they not rounding them all up, and putting them out of harms way?


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"It's no use badn-aiding the issue when these people are teenagers, they need to be taught proper values as small children, but that takes money, and the government will never invest in it, because children don't vote."

I agree, Andy. I think your argument about education is quite insightful.

It's a long-term strategy however, which will not satisfy short term problems - and short-term problems are very serious, right? How do you propose to deal with those who haven't had the education you (rightly) point out would stop this kind of behaviour? The strategy you outline takes time and resources - which it richly deserves. But what about more immediate problems?
That's because I'm not, but the news of a cripled child is something I find very hard to cope with, so to save my emotional state, i have avoided the detailed reporting.

Just the photo of her in the Mail today, and the background i did hear, that she was dancing around the shop before being shot was enough to make me cry, so I intend to continue keeping away from any more information if I can - but to stress, not to bury my head anywhere.
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Yes granted the pictures are quite shocking as well as tear jerking, but I still cannot understand why you make the excuses, that these killing thugs are the product of being brought up wrongfully and of the Government's lack of interest in them.

Could not be because they happen to be black could it?
So Old Git's 'theory' is that

<<these>> (defendants)
are <<killing thugs>>

<<because they happen to be black>>

Brazen racism

Even by that perpetrators dubious standards
White, black, yellow or Martian green - it doesn't matter. What does matter is that they will no doubt get sentences which will enable them to be back into society with plenty of time to offend again. Nathaniel Grant was only out of prison a few weeks and he was armed with another gun. Hit him hard I say - 30 years with no chance of parole. And take his fellow yobs with him.
AOG - "l cannot understand why you make the excuses, that these killing thugs are the product of being brought up wrongfully and of the Government's lack of interest in them."

If you re-read my post again, you will observe that I have not attempted to exuse gang violence in any way. The entire thrust of my point is what can be done in the future to prevent this ongoing cycle of disaffected and violent youth. My wish is for proper support and cash injection for nursery education, so that a proper society can be built from small children upwards, which will take several generations to bear fruit. Except that no government is interested in doing this, because it costs long-term expensive investment, with no immediate dividend for the investing government, so it will never happen.

Yes, these killing thus are the product of bad upbringing and the lact of government interest in them, but that does not in any way condone or excuse what they have done, and the full force of the law should make an example of them.

"Could not be because they happen to be black could it?" I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt here, and assume that your attempted irony is in somewhat dubious taste, and highly likely to be misinterpereted, as print observations can, as I have pointed out many times.

On the outside chance that you mean this comment seriously, the answer is No.

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