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New Scout Uniform options

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annie0000 | 14:49 Fri 30th Mar 2012 | News
26 Answers
Additional uniform choices introduced in the Scouts:


This is the standard uniform for girls in the scouts:

Am I missing something here, cos I cant see what is immodest about it?

This is not a rant or racist thing btw, I'm just genuinely curious. My boys are in the scouts and there a few girls in their troop who wear the standard uniform and tbh you struggle to tell that they are girls as it pretty much covers everything.

The new uniform doesn't really look like part of the same organisation.


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//Oh dear, yet more pandering to muslims.

Is there anything here they are happy with ?! //

They won't really be satisfied until everything has been altered to their satisfaction, ( why oh why ?)

W Ron.
RATTER...most cubs and scouts were attached to a church and being young, your religion was the religion of your parents.

When I was in the scouts, I didn't know what an Atheist was and if I had been told, it wouldn't have made any difference to my scouting.

Mind you.......I was a backward child intellectually.
The new uniform just doesn't work, despite the fact that I cannot see where the legs join the body and the hair is concealed as well as the neck and arms I just can't help getting a strong impression that the model is ..well..female. Perhaps it is something about the fingers or the bumps on the chest that is the giveaway. Serious re-design needed :-)
The existing uniform doesn't cover the neck and hair, annie; no 'scarf'; which Islam requires.
Oh for pity sake.

You moan because Muslims won't intergrate, and then when someone comes up with a (frankly BRILLIANT) idea to get Muslim girls into the Scouting movement, you moan about 'pandering to them'.

Scouts uniforms have changed over the years - for on, SKIRTS WEREN'T PART OF THE UNIFORM UNTIL GIRLS WERE ALLOWED IN.

Yes,that last bit was shouted.

/// Yes,that last bit was shouted. ///

Tut,Tut, against Site Rules, old man.

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