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"Gay Cure" Advert Banned

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mushroom25 | 19:19 Thu 12th Apr 2012 | News
62 Answers
what's left me utterly incomprehending is that tfl waited until the complaints started before pulling the ad. Did they really not think that offence might be taken?


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"If it can work one way, why can't someone who has experimented in homosexuality, then go back to heterosexuality? I am not saying that this happens all the time but it has been known to."

Isn't that just bi-sexual? Where they fall for the person, regardless of gender? They don't become gay and turn back to straight. They continue to be bi-sexual, but make a commitment to one person.
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//They can believe what they want. They can believe that the Earth was created in seven days, and that Jesus turned water into wine and that a man should be stoned if he sleeps with a woman when she's having her period...//

frighteningly, there are some very prominent politicians in the US that hold beliefs like that.

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"Gay Cure" Advert Banned

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