Why did we hear very little about India's long range nuclear missile test, yet when North Korea recently tested such a weapon there was huge indignation shown?
North Korea is thought to be a rogue state which will act unpredictably and irrationally. Very broadly, you might be a little worred if you saw your mother with a samurai sword but very worried indeed if you were told there was a Broadmoor escapee roaming your town with one.
India is generally considered to have a stable and responsible government, whereas North Korea is not seen in the same way. You don't allow a child, who doesn't know how to behave, to handle sharp instruments.
It's difficult to be down on other countries trying to get things you already have yourself. But there are sane limits as to what you'll not protest at. jno put it rather well I thought.
In this instance I am not taking sides, but being a believer in a level playing field, I cannot see why it is OK for some to be in possession of such devastating weapons, yet others are deemed too irresponsible.
In an ideal world such weapons of mass destruction should not exist, as they are a threat to our very existence on this planet.
India never asked the yanks for permission to launch it and as they don't belong to the nuclear proliforation treaty they feel free to do what they want. If they were to release the missile in combat they say it would be aimed at China so I suppose the West is quite happy for a friend to put a latent enemy under pressure.
jno's post from 11:54 sums it up perfectly, I believe.
There are some states who have sworn to 'wipe Isreal off the face of the Earth'. I would be very worried about those states having nuclear capabilities.
I don't believe we can really have a 'level playing field' when it comes to nuclear arms.
Gromit, I don't think you are going to see an Israeli missile cruising in on the UK.....that is the difference, an Iranian one is far more likely - or some terrorist one funded by the Iranians or Al Qaeda.