/article6815758.ece It is amazing that we have heard very little about this violent disturbance, yet if they had been white youths or far-right groups, it would have been all over the news wires.
I can find only three reports on it.
Daily Express, Reuters and The Times.
Yes this took place in Luton, wasn't it only a short time ago since some Muslims demonstrated when some of our brave troops marched through the city? Similar low profile then, yet look when some whites set about them.
This violence was carried out by a 200 mob of Asians who threw fireworks at the Police, and yet only 2 arrests were made one of these was later released.
The ironic thing was that the Police where there to protect these Asians, yet they still had to have their time of vengeance, even though the proposed Right-Wing march had been banned, yes banned, it is perfectly aright for far left groups, (the ones that mainly cause all the trouble) to attend these mainly peaceful marches.
I am not saying that these Asian youths were far-left but had they not been in attendance and the Right-Wingers had been allowed to march, there would have been no trouble for the Police.
A lesson to be learned, 'There is a rule for one and a much stricter rule for others'