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Red Ken or Bumbling Boris?

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Philtaz | 21:35 Fri 04th May 2012 | News
49 Answers
Apparently they're awaiting one more ballot box to come in and there's talk of a re-count.

My guess is Boris will just shade it, but who knows?


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Boris Johnson is an insufferable Pr!ck...but I don"t live where he "Swans around"..Ken could come and have a Pint,anytime..
Wharton, //It's hard to disagree with that naomi24. Who he?//

If you had read the post before mine you would have seen that Gromit said: //It was a mistake for Livingstone to stand again.//

Hence my reply: //It will be a mistake if he gets in.//

He didn’t. Good news. :o)
Hooray further victory for another "Tory Clown/Toff"...what are you running,a Chuffin"Circus..!! glad I live nowhere near London/The Metropolis..cor,not many.!!..And have to put up with Bozo"s Smug Mug,every ferkin"night..Please keep him to yourselves..!!..Pretty Please..!!
I think the most telling answer here is Fredpuli's with his extremely apt Latin tag and comparison with Tommy Cooper. Another comparison might be with Les Dawson at the the piano - he was actually a good pianist and I know from experience that it is far more difficult for a trained pianist to play badly than to play well. Boris is a lot sharper than his projected image would have us believe.
No Doubt,the man got a sharp intellect,Mike...but I recall the night on the Stage on closing night of the Beijing Olympics,he looked a Shambling Buffoon,an Embarassment before all the World"s viewers..and clearly"Well refreshed"..Hey that"s what happens,when you dine out with Chinese"Suits"..they must still be telling the jokes ,how Boris is such a "Lightweight"...Same thing Obama said about Dave Cameron..but time and tastes change..

and Im also very glad you dont live in or near london.

At least now hopefully the odious newt will keep out of londons or anywhere else for that matter, politics.

Good riddance to the glory hunting egoist
Thanks, mike. Les Dawson? Now I've got the image of Boris as Ada,the northern housewife opposite Roy Barraclough's Cissie. Not a pretty thought, and hard to get rid of !
Boris won, and strange to believe he isn't bumbling. I listened to the radio this morning, Ken was almost weeping and carrying on as though the world was about to come to an end, or just his career. He has had his day, good riddance.
not is Boris a buffoon, fool, twit, and so forth. He may come across like that at times, but he isn't. If he was, he wouldn't have lasted ten minutes in the job, and Ken would have taken the job back.

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