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Red Ken or Bumbling Boris?

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Philtaz | 21:35 Fri 04th May 2012 | News
49 Answers
Apparently they're awaiting one more ballot box to come in and there's talk of a re-count.

My guess is Boris will just shade it, but who knows?


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It will be a mistake if he gets in.
We shouldn't have too much longer to wait now, as Brent & Harrow looks to have wrapped things up...
It's hard to disagree with that naomi24. Who he?
Well, its Bumbling Boris.
It's closer than last time.
I wonder if he'll do anything this time round...?
Congratulations Boris - best result.
Boris has given London the Oyster Card, the congestion charge, new rail links and an extended DLR. He's alright for me, he's grown on me.
> Boris has given London the Oyster Card.

Oh what utter rubbish!!! The Oyster card was introduced in July 2003.
Do you always have to be so rude?
The congestion charge was also introduced in 2003.
I don't live in London, so it dosen't make any difference to me. They are
both funny but Boris is more huggable! Seriously, I can remember Ken Livingstone ( I always want to call him David!) on an episode of Drop the dead
donkey. They are both comical. They could share the mayorship of course.
Now there's a thought!
Not rude I think but forthright and possibly contemptuous of ridiculous statements.
Carry on. :)
Boris every time. Still watch the HIGFNY clips when needing a good laugh. Love him though.
^^ Is that really all you look for in a politician...?

Nick Griffin was a total buffoon on Question Time - why didn't you vote BNP...?
Bumbling in deed or bumbling in manner?. Somehow he has created the, stage persona of an agreeable buffoon which is based slightly on traits he has, whilst being a lot more skilled and sharp underneath; he's the Tommy Cooper of the Tory party! Cooper was an excellent conjuror in private and many of his 'mistakes' took a lot of practice and skill to repeat in performance. The public love it. "Ars est celare artem " as Boris would say, without translating (just to annoy the Press); the skill lies in hiding the skill!
both Ken and Boris bend the truth to suit, the only good politician is a dead one.
London Transport's finances are dire and fares will rocket and services will be cut. Now the election is out of the way, Londoners had better prepare themselves for massive cuts and fre hikes. You have been warned.
// Boris has given London the Oyster Card, the congestion charge, new rail links and an extended DLR. He's alright for me, he's grown on me. //

100% wrong. All of the above were before Boris. Even the Boris Bikes which Johnson takes all the credit for were initiated, planned and ordered by Ken.

Boris gave us the SkyRides which I understand involved many meetings with the Murdochs (expect some sh*t to hit the fan soon).

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