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Why is it that this case seems to be a taboo subject?

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anotheoldgit | 11:10 Wed 09th May 2012 | News
81 Answers

Forgive me for raising this issue once again but I think questions should be asked.

I have just gone to considerable trouble to enter into debate on this case, only to find that the question has been removed once again, along with my post.

Why is it that very few wish to discuss this headline news report? It seems that just like the police ABers fear being branded as racist if they say anything that criticises the actions of these child abductors and rapists.

/// Former Labour MP for Keighley Ann Cryer said that the authorities ignored complaints about them because they were 'petrified of being called racist'. ///

The police who waited over two years before taking action, refuse to class this as a racist case, excuse me but this was an attack on white girls only, by gangs of Asian men, how can that not be racist?

If the roles were reversed and it was gangs of white men attacking Asian girls, there would be all hell let loose, especially if the police waited two years before taking action, no doubt we would have seen the Asian community taking to the streets in protest.


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The father of one of the young girls abused by these people was speaking on radio news today. If he had been a better father perhaps his daughter wouldn't have been in the care of social services and so susceptible to the attention lavished on her by the paedophiles.
sandyr, which is exactly what i said. If the parents took care of their children, then this shouldn't happen. Though we don't know the details of the young girls home lives, but damaged and vulnerable they were, and now damaged perhaps beyond repair.
So its the parents of the girls fault is it
Or perhaps the way the girls dressed
God forbid that it should be the fault of the men actually tried and sentence for the hideous crimes - the girls must have been asking for it

or course it's the men's fault, no one was saying otherwise. But it would seem going on the endless reports that these very young girls were often out alone late at night, no parental guidance, or someone who cares enough to know where they are and what they were doing.
They have picked up on these men thinking they were friendly, how would they know they were not. It also says one 15 year old girl was used as a honeytrap, to procure other girls.
It's a truly despicable case, not for the first time, or i suspect will this be the last.
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/// At least that is how it seems when you hear of cases where a woman has been raped, it's the woman who gets the blame. ///

Wasn't that also what you were doing (blaming the girls/parents) when you put:

/// one can only come to the conclusion these young girls are left to their own devices by parents who don't seem to care. ///

Surely it matters not, if these young girls are left to their own devices, they still don't deserved to be treated in such a way by these evil individuals?

This type of excuse was used on the Radio last night, when the presenter stated that these girls were the product of run down Council Estates.

I made this point on a thread that was removed yesterday (because of some 'fruity' language used by the OP).

The likelihood of Asian girls being treated the same way by a group of white men is quite slim, because of the way these girls were groomed.

Firstly (generalisations to follow) Muslim girls don't do drugs and booze. Neither to white girls, but white girls in care are much more likely too...but then, there are very very very few vulnerable Muslim girls in care.

Perhaps we can put it down to the strong familial background that Muslims grow up in. They have the families that existed in Britain in the 1950 (ultra low divorce rates, little illegitamacy, respect for elders etc).

The effect of this is that Muslim girls don't end up hanging out at 11pm down the precinct, ready to be groomed by whomsoever is out.

This is NOT the fault of the girls themselves, but their vulnerability is a product of their background...
This sexual abuse case is not (by definition) a 'racist' crime.

The men did not view a selection of vulnerable girls and decide to abuse just the white ones because they were white and leave the others alone because they weren't.

So NOT 'racist'.

There is a 'racial' aspect to the crime in that all the perpetrators in this case were Pakistani/Afghani and all the girls were white.

That is because the girls in that position of vulnerability happen to be predominantly white. Arguably, that is because families in other ethnic groups are more protective/restrictive with their children.

Also, it might be argued that the social and sexual prohibitions placed on muslim men by their communities can in some cases result in individuals enacting this sort of behaviour with outsiders.

In any case, social workers and police in areas with significant pakistani/bangladeshi populations are well aware of the situation and hopefully now extra vigilant
There is a large number of Muslim children in care.

Google 'my daughter is being groomed' and you will find lots of reports of good parents who have done everything in their power to stop their daughter being groomed. You simply cannot lock your children up. Nor can children in care be locked up.
You really are twisting things. I said all along they are not responsible for these men's actions. No one should be treated this way, no one at all.

These vile men have been jailed, so good.

I'm getting 'this page cannot be found'.

Are you sure you've got the link right?
em's link works for me, sp1814

Hang on - got it now.

I've read the link, but don't get your point. Are you saying that because The Muslim Fostering Society exists, the proportion of Muslim kids in care is the same as their white counterparts?

Have you ever seen a drunk/drugged up Muslim girl throwing up at a bus stop at 1am?

I'm not saying it doesn't happen...just not in the numbers we see from other races/religious backgrounds.
i have opened it, so doesn't seem a problem,
perhaps can copy some of the tx.
I know of Muslim prostitutes and Muslim drug addicts.
I'm not saying they are 'practicing' Muslims but they are from Muslim backgrounds.
Generally i am not hanging around street corners at 11pm. I would add though that i have known Muslim boys and girls get drunk, fall down, behave badly. Just as much as their white counterparts.
Really don't see the link here they are scumbags who just happen to be asian, we don't start seeing a problem white men as a group when similar crimes are commited by them, they have been caught & punished rightly so, i'm failing to see what their race has to do with it

Are you saying that generally, Muslims go out and get drunk as much as their non-Muslim counterparts?

Many of us (especially from the larger cities) will know Muslims who (like their Christian, Jewish and Hindu counterparts) break certain religious taboos - but from my point of view, I've not seen anywhere NEAR the same proportion of Muslim girls and boys acting like their white (or black) counterparts.

It's a cultural thing possibly? If you've not been brought up with alcohol, you don't tend to indulge in it?
some buy into that claptrap about not drinking, or to behaving badly, better look at the gangs pervading our streets, into drugs, guns and prostitution.
Some gangs are mixed, but many are Black, or Asian, and many are not nice law abiding, non smoking, drinking, behave yourself types.

I know of Muslim prostitutes

Indeed that's right. Pakistani and Bangladeshi cities have lots of them.

Arguably because of the sexual restrictions in 'normal' life, men forced to delay marriage until middle age and men working away from their families.

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