I am missing something in this post, I think. Sorry, obviously the brain is not firing on all cylinders.
You pose a question "Is anti-racism a form of racism?", Then go on to give an anecdote about a conversation you had with an asian businessman. How is the anecdote germane to the original question? Who was the racist, and who was the anti-racist?
I would agree entirely that you should treat people as individuals, rather than as a unit from a racial or cultural group. But you then go on to characterise anti-racists as largely postmarxist drones, which sounds like a cultural stereotype to me.
The majority of the public, I would have thought, are anti-racist, because, by and large, most people find bigotry offensive and unjust. That does not automatically make them left wing, or postmarxist, or drones.
I think the last question you pose is one that is obviously close to your heart, since you have posed it elsewhere, albeit in a different form, and this is your assertion that the mainstream left are attempting to foster discord and discontent in an effort to create the conditions for ,well, favourable voting i guess, since we dont do revolutions in this country, and that they have replaced the class struggle with the struggle over race - and to that end have positively encourage mass immigration into the UK to forward that agenda - That about somes it up, doesnt it?
Your posts always strike me as faintly conspiratorial. The struggle over class is seen as history, but there are plenty of other windmills for the quixotes of the left to tilt at, plenty of other inequalities that need to be changed if we are to evolve as a compassionate society. Racism would just be one facet, Not the entire story.