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EDL members join Sikhs in protest.

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anotheoldgit | 16:40 Sun 01st Jul 2012 | News
22 Answers

Does this unseemly alliance prove that there is a problem?


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Thank you for your minor corrections, I will put on my dunce's cap on and stand in the corner.

But before I do, let's discuss the EDL further, first may I add I am not a member and I don't know much about them, just as I don't suppose you do, or any others who condemn them, could it be that they are only going on the propaganda that is fed to them via the media outlets.

Yes they seem to be a rather intimidating lot, but where does it say one has to have an angelic face and wear a suit to be a protester, some of our best protesters have been the great un-washed.

Obviously I can understand anyone of the Islamic faith being against them, but apart from them how are they a threat to others? We have the threat of Islamic culture into this country, and I for one have no wish to embrace their culture, along with all of the negatives that we have to date been forced to experience.

We have been waging a war for many years and at a loss of many young men and women against fundamentalist Islamics, we have seen Islamic terrorist attacks all over the world and more importantly on our very own streets, we have witnessed their protests condemning Jews, Homosexuals, the British forces etc.

So why is it wrong for a group of people (not one's I would pick but the best we have) to come together in protest against Islam, just as we once came together to fight Nazism?

This is not racism, but if you must give it an explanation it is a matter of religious and cultural differences, that are completely alien to our own religious beliefs and culture.

My position on Islam correlates to my position on all religions. "If it brings you peace of mind and happiness, then good luck to you - enjoy."

My issue with the EDL is that they should be concentrating on the defeat of fundamentalist extreme[i Islam.

They don't do this. Instead, they have become the very flip side of the same coin. Islamic extremists believe that all of us are infidels, and the EDL have taken an equally strident response.

What I see is an [i]enormous] number of Muslims and non-Muslims sitting in the middle being screamed at.

We should be very careful not to equate Muslims with the views of extremists on subjects such as women's rights, homosexuality, Judaism and the role of British Forces in Iraq and Afghanistan.

All the Muslims I know are thoroughly ordinary people have the same thing going on in their lives as us - mundane things such as is their PTA meetings, recipe binders and an antipathy to their mother-in-laws.

However the 'Muslim debate' has been framed in such a way as to make us think that Islam is inherently evil.

I honestly don't think that's true.

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EDL members join Sikhs in protest.

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