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TWR | 18:55 Mon 09th Jul 2012 | ChatterBank
30 Answers
Are you sorry you Voted for the collation? the things that's coming out of late, Bankers, Loans, Interest rates, Bonus's, where is this going to end, do you think they are taking the British Public for fools?


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I didn't vote a for a collation...............I voted for the Tories.
No one voted for the coalition.
nobody voted for the collation.
The coalition's not my fault.

Glad to see these things ARE coming out of the woodwork at last , don't be fooled to think they were happening under Labour (or, as they say, "the previous administration").
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When is all this going to end Boxy? everyday something new turns up.
whoever is in ''power'' are in it for themselves...but this lot are intent on screwing the working folk,the poor and the disabled for everything they can...
I'm not sure if the previous administration were in on this or not, Boxy... from a blog on the current hearing:

"Attempts by George Osborne to pin the blame for the Libor fixing scandal on former Labour ministers seem to be undermined after deputy Bank of England governor Paul Tucker told MPs that he had not been leaned on to encourage Barclays to cut its rates. "

Doubtless more evidence will come out. But it may turn out to be all Mr Osborne's own work.
Dum Dum Dum Bam Bam Dum Dum Boom Boom


One of my fave "after casino" night spots?

Oh, okay ... never mind.

Are the (other) coalition resonponsible for bankers taking advantage of the less regulated regime? The one introduced by the last Labour government?
collation, nor coalition, but the Tories,
Not quite understanding how it works there are you, TWR.
The Libor fixing occurred under Labour's watch, of course. Bankers bonuses have been an issue for years. Low interest rates came in under Labour's watch
so they did ^^^
I voted for the Tories not a coalition. Nick Clegg is not a man I would have voted for. The Bankers loans Interest rates etc, didn't start with this government. Labour have a lot to answer for. Tony b liar left the party hoping he wouldn't be implicated in the mess they left behind.
yes. i will never vote lib dem again....something i've done all my life. i'm so angry!!!! but i don't want to vote tory or labour either. what's a girl to do?
would rather the tories lost outright than formed this unholy alliance, that hasn't worked.
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D.C. Needed the puppet, the puppet needed the votes to help his BOSS to win the election, the string now holding the puppet is getting shorter by the day Chuck, the puppet THINKS he has a lot of SAY, but fear not, the organ grinder will put the puppet in his place, the puppets party has certainly let their party down with the help of DC who knew exactly what he was doing, He's used the puppet & the clown could not see that.
OK, so what percentage of the population do you think actually voted coalition? (an option that wasn't on the ballot cards)
chuck, indeed..
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There was enough to let this lying load of Basds in Chuck, all I know since they have been in, everyone is suffering like they have never suffered.
don't you think that it isn't entirely, and i use that word loosely, the bankers fault, people have to take some responsibility for their lives as well. The previous administration spent money we didn't have, so it's payback time

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