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Why should pensioners receive these free government handouts?

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pdq1 | 10:53 Tue 10th Jul 2012 | News
132 Answers

It is costing the NHS £bns to give out free prescriptive medicines to pensioners many of whom can afford to pay for themselves. They also receive free bus passes when many already own a car. And why should they receive free TV licences which can only add to the cost of those having to pay.


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hey tambo - you can avoid iht if you live forever
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I wish bednobs - x
Well if they don't claim it, then it's probably because htey have the means not to! disability living allowance is not means tested (or available to pensioners as a first claim)
of go on tambo, don't give up, at least give it a go! :)
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sorry, i think you've misunderstood me - i have no problem with people recieving means tested benefits (pensioners or not) As per the original question though i think that people who can afford it should pay for prescriptions (which are often so much more expensive than the prescription charge nyway)
Where's the OP.? (pdq1) Is he Past Discussing Question No1 from him today.

If he feels that OAPs are a drain on the economy of the UK, he should be brave enough to speak-up on the matter. He will have the advantage of being younger than most of us and could score well in a clean fight.:-)

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agreed. I have a bit of a bugbear about prescriptions anyway cause even people who do have to pay moan about the prescription charge when actually in many cases it is far far less than the p[rice of the medicines
for heavens' sake stop being so bigotted and narrow minded. most of us worked and paid our taxes (which we were told would provide an adequate pension).brought up our children without child allowance, free meals, free transport, etc. now we are still paying taxes to contribute towards your future pension.

apols to anyone who has already pointed these things out. i have not read all the posts.
i am very lucky i have not had to consult a doctor for nearly ten years and therefore i have paid for someone else. that is fine by me. remember the doc still gets some money for having me on his books.
Do you think I could swap my free prescriptions for free gin?
You will have to buy your own tonic craft.
craft, only for conditions where the prescription is R/ gin stat and prn
craft - the amount of money on prescriptions i have saved them through the years i reckon they should send crates of the stuff - preferably blackwoods. foget the tonic i'll have it just with ice.
I could manage that Brenden.....................I am entitled to a free bus pass, but as I've a car I've never applied for one (I haven't been on a bus for about 25 years). I do get regular free prescriptions but I give my winter fuel allowance to a charity. I've worked since 1964 and even now I'm still paying income tax. So who deserves a bit or someone who's never worked but churned out a couple of kids.
You - You - You craft and all the other OAP's who have paid into the system all their working lives - many of whom never had the chance of the benefits that are handed out now -
craft, ditto, except I do use my bus pass.

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