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Why should pensioners receive these free government handouts?

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pdq1 | 10:53 Tue 10th Jul 2012 | News
132 Answers

It is costing the NHS £bns to give out free prescriptive medicines to pensioners many of whom can afford to pay for themselves. They also receive free bus passes when many already own a car. And why should they receive free TV licences which can only add to the cost of those having to pay.


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My free TV licence is no use in France, neither are bus passes. You might just as well ask why childless couples should pay for the education of other peoples children. It is part of being in a civilised society. I haven't had a days unemployment in my life but I don't begrudge the genuinely unemployed their unemplyment benifit.
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I'm still p!ssed off at the Tories from the last budget that took away the bit of extra tax allowance I could get next year when I'm 65 (I'll miss the cut-off for that by 4 months) and then I'll be too old for the super duper new flat rate pension of £155 a week which is to be introduced. NI contributions for this pension have been lowered to 30 years contributons, I've paid 41 years contributions and will get less money.
I've paid/contributed for nearly 40 years, for much of that time I expected to be retiring at 60, now it has to be 66, which means I will have contributed for the best part of 50 years almost, by the sound of it there won't be much left to last me until I am in my 80s.
Craft, that sounds very unjust. Have you tried petitioning your MP?
I'm not so worried about not getting the fuel allowance but they can keep their hands off my bus pass .We don't have a car and with a poorly husband it's a lifeline for me . Bus fares here are extortionate.
I do agree though that it should only be useable in the area you reside in .
I get free prescriptions for an ongoing medical condition and why not .I've divvied up via my NHS contributions .We've paid our way all our lives ,still pay tax and now they want to penalise us even more .
Can you imagine them trying to implement this means test ? It'll cost mega money and far outweigh the cost of bus passes etc.
What are they going to do ,come and knock on your door and force you sell things like they did years ago before they would give people anything .
They'll be reopening the workhouses soon the way things are going .
jomifl I don't think 'call me Dave' has realised how much he has already upset numerous pensioners and if he carries on targeting them the grey vote will stuff the tories at the next election.
Not just the Grey vote crafty, he's as good as stuffed as it is imo.
Toes, I thought that it was common knowledge by now on AB that all gin should be forwarded to me.
Once again I find myself fully in agreement with Craft. I could scarcely believe it when I read that a Tory MP suggested destroying the sacred cow of pensioners' benefits. The whole raison d'être of Toryism has always been the relentless pursuit of power. For a Tory MP to make such a proposal is akin to saying, "After the next election I would like to sit on the Opposition benches." The Millipede must be rubbing his hands with glee at this.
why am i bigotted and narrow-minded simply because i don't agree with you?
that was to lady janine btw
None of those things should be means tested for pensioners. It would be political suicide for the Tories to do it. Labour probably would though.
This government hates pensioners and I really don't think they've finished with their 'granny taxes' yet. I despise them.
That area you reside in is the hook Shaney. many people live in one area but need to travel to another because that is where the hospital/shops etcet are. that is the reason why passes were made national, tourist use was an unintended side effect.
I was hoping that as the government have 'allowed' me to work for another 2 yrs and a bit before I get my pension that that would pay for me to get my free bus pass now......alas tories....and why have I not heard the labour chaps and chapesses shouting from the rooftops today?
I hate to say this, but the plan to change the age of eligibilty to such benefits was in fact introduced by Labour under the Blessed Gordon. The fact that the Tories did nothing to reverse this does not go to their credit.
I think they're tied up with the House of Lords at the moment, Alice. You probably need to give them a chance; the speech was only leaked last night and not due for delivery until today.
I am not a pensioner quite yet...soon though.....should I consider breaking the law, getting arrested, being found guilty and then I wouldn't have to worry whether I eat or heat?

they shouldn't be giving in to their

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