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It's unbelievable.

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anotheoldgit | 13:56 Tue 17th Jul 2012 | News
49 Answers

So now our overstretched police force (sorry service) is now investigating the 'choc-ice' comment after complaints from the public.

I wonder if the originator of this comment will also be charged and sent for trial, and if he is I wonder if he will also get off?

It is time this petty name calling was no longer illegal, the only winners from this ridiculous law are the legal profession..


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The world's gone mad.
Blame these blokes for starting this - black players wanting to play professional football , business .

They should have been warned off at the time

Ask them to attend a burglary at your house and you will wait days for them - probably because they are too busy investigating "playground" incidents such as this !!
"Ferdinand can talk. Didn't he marry a white girl also. "

probably, theres hardly any black footballers with black women, never been able to quite work that one out
Why wouldn't it be possible for a black player to be racist to another black player? Not that I'm suggesting he should.
Childish behaviour by adults, no crime , just stupid.
A black player who belonged to one group, a tribe or people, could be racist towards a black player of another tribe or people. There's enough history of such animosity in the world for that to happen now.
Hang on - I'm confused by something here...

How comes people are referring to Ashley Cole and Rio Ferdinand as 'black' when they are actually mixed race?

How comes when Barack Obama is referred to as 'black' we hear the same voices cry out, "But he isn't 'black', he's of mixed race heritage".

Can we get our stories straight.

Is a mixed race person black or not?

<sits back with quizzical expression which could be mistaken for a smug grin>.
I was called a white sow with my piglets by a black person because i asked him very nicely to move his car from blocking mine. If i had retaliated and called him a derogatory racist name i would have been charged but when the perpertator is black it isnt racisim.

Not true.
sp missing the point....nothing unusual there then

zeuhl, i said hardly any i didnt say none
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/// Is a mixed race person black or not? ///

Ask any mixed race person and I think you will find they will say black for some reason.
I think they are all a bit flakey
Question Author
/// How comes people are referring to Ashley Cole and Rio Ferdinand as 'black' when they are actually mixed race? ///


One has to be so careful that one doesn't use the incorrect term these days.

And can anyone play the race card when they are neither black nor white?
Question Author
It is time for these ridiculous race laws to be sorted out.

The only time they should come into play is when a person is physically abused, bullied or discriminated in any way whatsoever because of their skin colour, race, or religion.

Certain verbal insulting remarks should not be classified as against the law, unless of course other laws are brought out to cover all other insulting words or remarks, and I don't think we would wish that to come about.
Sp yes so true believe it or not.

But you yourself claimed that Barack Obama was mixed race when he was elected.

Do people become black when the story is negative, and mixed race when it's positive?

Hoisted by your own petard I'm afraid.

You write:

"The only time they should come into play is when a person is physically abused, bullied or discriminated in any way whatsoever because of their skin colour, race, or religion."

But earlier this week you stated that a company should be free to hire whomsoever they choose without having to work within the construct of race laws.

Does that mean if a company discriminates against someone because of their race, they should be made accountable or not?
sp1814, I believe Brinjal lives in Africa?

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