Society & Culture21 mins ago
Bank charges
this is surely taking the proverbial. As if we don't have enough on our plate.
http:// money.a ...for- current -accoun ts/
Throughout the rest of Europe bank customers pay between £10 and £30 per month for banking services. There have been plenty of calls (including from influential people who aren't employed by the banks) for the UK to follow suit:
http:// www.thi sismone Turner- warns.h tml
I have a UK bank account that I don't use very much and usually doesn't have much money in it. The only times I use it are for online purchase (usually from and when I visit the UK - not more than once a year and recently less often. If they start to charge, they will lose my business because it's just not economical to pay out every month for an account I don't need to use often. Whatever money is in it is of course always available for the bank to use, so they would be losing the facility to bank with me.
there has been many stories in recent weeks that have discussed fees for current accounts. all major banks have expressed they feel this is justified for their hard work rearranging our money (usually for their own ends). i think that this may become a reality, unfortunately, as the present goverment is too fascist to suggest otherwise or object. i'm glad i have a basic account that will be exempt from fees if this is approved and put into action. fekkin bankers....
Icg, feckin bankers indeed. Happy to rip us off for 1p over an overdraft or
when someone else screws up, it's your fault. As to the miss selling of PPI, why did they pressurise their staff into doing it in the first place. I got my money back and an apology, but i won't be standing for this nonsense.
when someone else screws up, it's your fault. As to the miss selling of PPI, why did they pressurise their staff into doing it in the first place. I got my money back and an apology, but i won't be standing for this nonsense.
indeed, em. i too got my ppi refunded on 2 loans....and barclays had the temerity to lie and deny that we had any ppi on past credit. it was only when i wrote to them stating that they were lying their arses off and would be contacting the financial ombudsman that they suddenly 'remembered' where the paperwork was and they actually owed us £****. gitbags.
They used to charge until Midland Bank broke ranks and didn't, whereupon the rest lost customers and soon gave 'free banking' too.
My French bank charges a few euros a month; they all do in France. All we need now is two other great French innovations : the direct debit which the payee can cancel but you can't, and the strict rules for being overdrawn beyond an arrangement, whereby you lose the right to hold any bank account anywhere in France (mine graciously warns customers the first time it happens by a small amount, but after that there's trouble). Who knows? We may get those too.
My French bank charges a few euros a month; they all do in France. All we need now is two other great French innovations : the direct debit which the payee can cancel but you can't, and the strict rules for being overdrawn beyond an arrangement, whereby you lose the right to hold any bank account anywhere in France (mine graciously warns customers the first time it happens by a small amount, but after that there's trouble). Who knows? We may get those too.