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Another politician booed by the Paralympic crowd.

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anotheoldgit | 10:18 Sat 08th Sep 2012 | News
45 Answers

Theresa May, George Osborne, and now Jeremy Hunt all booed at the Paralympics.

When is it David Cameron's turn?


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Em. If you are concerned about how the athletes felt, don't be. They really took it in good humour when I was there and there was a lot of off camera fun and banter. Especially with those lovely Brazilians. :-)
Its absolutely perfect timing,by an audience who will have a large proportion of those people directly involved with changes to DLA and the awful reclassification process by ATOS.

People are angry, and they have a perfect right to express that anger at the architects of these measures - Politicians who are attending largely to garner column inches and bask in the reflected glory.

if it makes politicians squirm, or feel embarassed, thats brilliant. Bravo the crowd.
I agree with NOX. I fail to see how it was 'inappropriate' or even if it was, why this counts as a reason not to do it.

And I don't think the 'if I were an athlete I would hate it' stands up as well for a very simple reason: as far as I know, none of the posters on here are Paralympic athletes. If you find some evidence that they were badly affected by the booing, that might change things. I don't think it works as an argument to extrapolate your hypothetical feelings onto someone else.
*I agree with NOX and LazyGun, who posted as I was writing.
The biggest joke was that Gordon Brown was cheered....................
As a disabled person who is going to be affected directly in a detrimental way by the politicians who have been booed, I would have also booed long and loud!
Good for you daffy, never mind the poor sod who has slogged his/her guts out to get a medal and then to hear people booing at the awards long as it makes you feel better.
Horses for courses - cheers for the big winners; boos for the big losers.
Many of the (GB) competitors would have liked to boo too I bet, afterall they may also be affected by all the changes the government are putting into effect.
@Craft - The cheering for Brown might have a lot to do with the fact that he could be considered disabled himself (loss of sight in one eye), couple with the fact that he has a son diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis. Seems to me that people with disabilities, or carers or just anyone sufficiently irritated at the Govt is going to cheer.....
They're not sure whether to boo Cameron or not as he had a disabled son. It's a confusing grey area. Everyone looks at the person next to them to see if they're booing before they start.

Brown's easy cos he's got a dodgy eye. He's one of us, let's cheer.
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cheer Gordon Brown because he is one of us, you are surely joking. I will be just as badly affected by the cuts, in fact probably more so than many on here. I wouldn't have chosen any politician to present medals, but that wasn't my decision to make, and it would have been a case of damned if you do, and damned if you don't. Why bother though, one or two of you went to the games and had a great time, as we did, to me that is all that matters.
I don't see why anyone was surprised that politicians - especially Tory ones - were chosen as medal-givers, given the way that party has utterly milked the Olympics to its last drop. However, I should have thought Cameron, with his background in public relations, might have spotted the danger of what might happen, especially to Osborne, Hunt and May - pinnacles of incompetence and largely detested - in the circumstances.
As for the usual anti-Labour comment, let's not forget who was Prime Minister when we actually got the games!
@Em No, I am not joking. It seems very likely to me that people might cheer someone they regard as one of their own, and given the measures the coalition are implementing to cut the benefits bill, any politician not from the coalition would likely have raised a cheer - well, except for someone like Nick Griffin maybe....
I'd cheer Gordon Brown and boo Cameron.
Cheering Gordon Brown would suggest the disability to identify a truly inept Chancellor and Prime Misnister.
So, Duncer, isn't that exactly what we have now?
Whether we do or don't, (and I believe we do), detracts not one jot from Brown's lamentable tenure.

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