Andy-Hughes, //I was at considerable pains to point out that I do not for one moment think that an insult to one's faith should be met with violence - but we must remember that thes are the actions of extemeists, and not the Muslim faith as a whole.//
I think we’re all aware, without being told, that these are not the actions of the Muslim faith as a whole. However, when you say // The Muslim faith does not advocate violence and murder either.//, that is not entirely true because it depends upon its adherents’ interpretation of the Koran. Just as it’s true to say all Muslims are not extremists, it’s also true to say that Muslim extremists abide by a literal interpretation of the Koran. To those people, the infidel - you, me, and everyone else who isn't Muslim - is deemed to be an enemy of Islam - and if we are ever to attempt to resolve this problem we must get our heads out of the sand and acknowledge that.