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Why is drug usage so high amongst Homosexuals?

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anotheoldgit | 14:59 Sun 23rd Sep 2012 | News
58 Answers

/// coping mechanism in the face of homophobia or just hectic partying? ///


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Confusion reigns, I think. Okay, please re-read your first sentence of your 16:44 post - forget my admission about being a heterosexual male, I am but disregard that - and instead just digest what you asked me in that first sentence?

You asked me to put myself in the minds of all heterosexual males - how could anyone possibly do that? Now do you understand? Besides, my final remarks in my last post to you were exclusively tongue-in-cheek, just in case you didn't realise?

PS: I'd better clarify that - to the best of my knowledge - 'tongue-in-cheek' is not some form of sexual activity - right? There again, some may like it and think it is? I think I'd better stop there, eh?
There is 'Buccal sex', but it's generally not tongue in cheek.

Perhaps that's why I didn't enjoy it? Oops! Another wee 'admission' - blamn and dast!

I've seen that film makes me chuckle, and it kinda makes me feel relieved that we live in more enlightened times (or at the least - a more enlightened country!)
///PS: I'd better clarify that - to the best of my knowledge - 'tongue-in-cheek' is not some form of sexual activity - right? There again, some may like it and think it is? I think I'd better stop there, eh?///

I cannot believe this guy posts idiot postscripts like that in the belief he is the be all almightl 'book of knowledge' and everyone else is an inadequate and uneducated minion.

It is beyond believe that he is permitted to spout his nondescript ramblings day after day.
When I posted on here some time ago that the police force was a magnet for the less intelligent, a few people disagreed.
All I can say is, read Kerosenes posts. I rest my case.
Why is drug usage so high amongst Homosexuals.

It isn't. This is a very small survey (just 4,000), sounds very un-scientific and the conclusions are skewed. I do not believe it. I have seen other surveys which siggest alcohol and drug comsuption by homosexuals is similar to the general population at large. I hve a few gay friends and they are not any more druggie that everyone else I know.
Kerosene's admission at 17:26 seems to have gone unnoticed. I think that was very brave of him.
rojash and sandy - suggest you have look at the post at 17:39 on ''Did Gold Medal Exculpate MOD's Decision?'
"This is a very small survey (just 4,000)"

Even worse, it's 4000 over a two year period, so about 166 a month.

No doubt the geniuses that thought up the survey thought to themselves "where can we find gay people?" and came to the conclusion that gay clubs were a good place so they went and stood outside a gay club and asked 166 clubbers each month, who just happened to be gay, about drug use.
That's what I meant about un-scientific.. The results and conclusions are so serverely flawed, they are meaningless.
-- answer removed --
Maybe they are obsessed with improving their performance:

///Athletes, footballers and all kinds of sports people take many different types of drug. They do it to make their performance better///

Please re-read your post of 16:22.

I asked you why gay men should feel 'guilt'.

You explained that you thought that gay men may feel guilt for indulging in unnatural sex.

If you have the imagination to reach that conclusion, then surely you should be able to 'put yourself into the mind of a heterosexual male'?
Way of controlling the PAIN??????????????


Curse of God, perhaps.
I see the crazies are all out and about on this thread. I concur with whoever mentioned a bigger party going clubbing fraternity in the gay community and more disposeable income. As for feeling guillty or 'cursed by God' just LMF AO.
That's two of us Nox!
Kerosene, it appears most of the animal kingdom are unnatural as well, a lot of homophobia in the natural world!

Keyplus, How would you know it was painful, dabbled a little have we? naughty naughty, what would Allah think!!
What's your theory AOG?

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