She has a lot more talent than most of the skinny singers. I don't listen to or buy music because of what the artist(s) look like, I buy it because I enjoy the music!
She was hardly 'blasting' other people, just expressing an opinion. Personally, for a larger person I think she looks nice - not mutton dressed as lamb or anything.
On another point, don't expect she would want to see you in skimpy outfits either.
Not actually a fan of Adele, think ive been Adeled to death when her albums were first released!
But that being said, the lady can sing, there's no doubt about that, and she does have a point. We're bombarded with, well quite frankly, bints who can't sing for crap but who look good.
The fact she's done massively well, without needing to shed clothes is a testament to how good she really is.
I do happen to think she's stunning good looking anyway.
The first one you just made up yourself, so on that you are wrong.
On the second, she seems to have had a few BF's and is it seems you are wrong on that too.